Want to join us?

Join Ping-Pong Civ and play with real, reliable, roleplaying people who write Pong Report

Want to join the next game of Ping-Pong Civ? Nate and Joe are recruiting! We play continuously, every Tuesday night, from 8-9:30p EST (-5 GMT). Diplomacy and chatter are conducted via Discord throughout the week. No quitters! We have about 2 seats available currently.

Rarely missing a session is okay if you give notice. We will probably play a one-shot game with the remaining players that week. No-showing even one time is a permanent kick without a very good excuse.

We play the PC edition of Civ6 with all DLC and Rise & Fall. This is an example of our typical game settings, but everything is negotiable. All experience levels welcome - we use difficulty settings to provide handicaps. The next game starts on Feb-13.

Interested? Email ayronis@gmail.com with subject [Join Pong] and tell us a little about yourself. If there's still room, we'll send you an invite before the next game starts.


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