Game 14 - Gamechat

Pong 14


Game Settings for Pong 14: 
* Mulligan until Turn 10 (may request any number of restarts)
* Draft leader from 3 random (Each player assigned 3 random civs, player chooses one)
* No AIs civs
* Uses Pong Difficulty Mod
* Map: Continents and Islands
* Standard Size (8 players)
* Standard Sea Level
* Disaster level 3
* Timer: Dynamic Turn Timer


Session 1 Begins. Turn 1, 4000 BC


War has been declared on our extremely good looking and intelligent people


2740 BC: Sumeria declares warcart on Korea


We are so smart, that we fear we might die to their carts pulled by what appear to be giant hairy babies, probably
8:42 PM
Their long ears remind us of when we were all dragons, cum dragons
8:42 PM
Totally happened
8:47 PM
The Korean capital falls to Sumeria


The Brotherhood has conquered the feeble Korean capital of Gyeongju


Our hearts cold, like our cold intellectual style
8:48 PM
Soon our small nearby city will also be conquered
8:48 PM
There was nought to do


The Koreans begged for mercy and yet still slaughtered our scouts.
8:54 PM
These offenses are not taken lightly


Sumeria offered us friendship
8:55 PM
Then attacked us without warning


We are just ghosts now
9:02 PM
Goodbye everyone
9:02 PM
The luck Dragon was not with us today
9:03 PM
As soon as we were born, we were slain.


9:03 PM
Too soon




The brotherhood seeks peace with all who it considers equals
9:04 PM
do not be alarmed


Behold people of the world - the citizens of Russia have come to believe in a great deity, which you shall soon know of: all hail the Great Scorpion!


A Mali scout looks on as the top blows off Mount Rangitoto. A megacollosal eruption takes place, but only kills barbarians foolish enough to have settled nearby.


The Mali have iron for sale. We have no idea what it's used for, but it seems important, and we have a lot. Send your proposals!


We too have horses, and truffles to trade
10:01 PM
After a great start and then a early tussle with barbarians we finally feel we can start to send trade routes again and use horses for trade


10:02 PM
10:02 PM


Session 2 Begins. Turn 65, 440 BC


Warcarts amass along Russia's borders. Are the peaceful worshipers of Scorpions next to be slaughtered?


Greetings, it is I, Lord Gilgamesh of Sumer, High Brother of the Brotherhood. Sumer is governed by the Council of Brothers, better known as the Brotherhood. We are a people who are not from this world. We are heavenly beings. Our bodies images of perfection and our strength unmatched by the mortal races. We have but one goal: To return from where we came and to reclaim our rightful place amongst the stars. Long ago, the foul sorcerer, Malekith the Usurper, grew jealous of the bounties and luxuries enjoyed by the people of the heavens. He worked his foul magic and began to sew seeds of division between the peoples of Heaven. Slowly these seeds took root and evolved into open conflict. The war for the heavens had begun. After thousands of years of fighting all that remained were four men. Malekith struck at this opportunity. He launched himself into the heavens and challenged each of these men to a duel in front of the High Father himself. The men were tired from thousands of years of war and stood no chance against the fresh and sly sorcerer. One by one he defeated them and the High Father deemed them unworthy of the heavens. As punishment he cast them down onto this forsaken planet. Upon waking, and no longer under the effects of Malekith's spellwork, the four men agreed to put aside their differences and work together to take revenge upon Malekith and reclaim their rightful place in the heavens. To this end they formed the Council of Brothers. They exhausted their remaining magical energies to construct the capital city of Uruk and populated it with halflings. To this day we hope to achieve greatness once more


9:07 PM
9:07 PM


The Sumali Alliance is forged, as scientists and wise-men of both empires freely move between them.


The favor was not ours. The Caucasus mountains bought the Russian the time they needed to erect tall barriers that prevented our marauders from entering their villages. A pragmatic peace prevails for now


10:00 PM
March 19, 2020


Ola amigos! I'm Zardro, leader of the party animals in Brazil! From the beginning our people loved to party, watching the monkeys playing in the trees and listening to the melodies of tropical birds. The jungle inspired us to create a society where everyone is happy and partying all the time! Recently our master mixologists came up with some righteous science projects and discovered gunpowder. Now we have fireworks and smoke machines for the party! Our artists and architects built us a sweet Temple and Colosseum to party in as well. Now our people are ridiculously happy! We even have some incense and tobacco if you're into that kinda thing :smoking: , but no pressure amigo. All are welcome at the jungle party (especially if you bring wine)!:tada:


Let it be known that Russia and Brazil have stood as friends since time immemorial. We can attest firsthand as to how their party goods come in handy to warm the bones down in the frozen south.


Session 3 Begins. Turn 99, 740 AD


Woe are the city states who encounter the ruthless desert dwellers!



Let it be known that Sumerian diplomats love gold and can be persuaded to support proposals


8:40 PM


The people of Sumeria will not allow pagan scorpion worshippers in our lands


Don't fear Scorpions! They're quite friendly when you get to know them


And medicinal too, so I hear.


Oh world help us our Brazilian neighbors are staging on our border


Let it be known, Egypt has proven the world to be round in the year of our lord, 1120 AD.


The council of brothers has been forced into exile in the remote city of Lagash due to the over zealous heretics who worship the scorpion
9:27 PM
The council rejoices! their brethren from Mali have come and have begun vigorously denouncing and debating the pagans resulting in them fleeing


Brazil, technological leader of the world, declares war on Mongolia.
9:36 PM


9:51 PM
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9:52 PM
April 9, 2020



The Sumerians have grave concerns regarding the aggressive moves made by the Brazilians. We were told they enjoyed partying but weren't told their party functions included excessive blood letting!


This is very true and peaceful Mongolia is the victim


Zulu is curious about the exotic wars of the East, but we know little of those lands or its peoples.


Our contact with the peaceful people of Mongolia leaves us questioning why such violence is necessary. Our brothers embarked upon a journey to the distant lands of Mongolia. We found them to be peace-loving horsemen. Despite their love of peace it was apparent they are a martial race. We hope they are able to utilize their horsemen to defend their territory from international encroachment.
8:03 PM
Let it be known, the Sumerians believe in the sovereignty of all peoples. The lord shall judge those who violate international law


Sometimes the party gets too big and you have to seize your boring neighbor's property to accommodate everyone! Such is the life of true party-goers. The wet blankets must be sacrificed!


We would prefer if you judged with a sword instead of a hymnal


Session 4 Begins. Turn 122, 1220 AD


We do as the divine tell us. It is through the high brother that we receive the messages of God.
8:09 PM
This era has been one of change for the people of Sumer. The treacherous worshippers of the scorpion infiltrated our lands over night and undermined the influence of the Brotherhood. Despite our best efforts their influence could not easily be purged. We appealed to the fair people of Mali and have begun to accept Allah as a more just lord than that of the vile scorpion.
8:10 PM
The scorpion is just as foul as the southern people who espouse his ideas. They both inhabit hostile climates and commit acts of treachery.


Come on, the Scorpion is great! It's so very cuddly. Why not worship it with us?
8:10 PM
"Acts of treachery??"


The people of the south mask the danger behind this scorpion figure. For the scorpion is an ugly creature equipped with two large claws. It is these claws that foes pay attention to... all the while the true danger is hidden above in their tail. It contains a deadly venom that will lull you to sleep while the scorpion approaches to kill. The apostles of this fiend act in similar ways. They approach, a people as ugly as any, and fling their venomous words until you are lulled into a deep sleep. It is during this sleep that these people commit their foul acts.


9:11 PM
9:11 PM


Sumeria celebrates the spread of Islam


I concede


Let it be known that in the year 1440, The high brother of Sumer swears fealty to Allah. Our God forsook us as the Scorpion worshippers ravaged our land. Allah protects us. We welcome his servants
9:37 PM
Let us loyalty be observed and proven by the construction of a synagogue in Uruk.


Ouch! The scorpion stings!


In response to the abuses of the scorpions, Allah's faithful have declared holy war upon the infidels of the south


Brazil declares war on Yerevan, the most peaceful and faithful people in the world!


I'm sure they had a good reason


I can't possibly think of one!


The cowardly Mongols hide their last remaining city behind Yerevan in attempts to evade our crazed party-goers.


Go around!


Sumer experienced profound change over the past years. The assault by the vile scorpion worshippers undermined the authority of our peoples traditional council of brothers. Our battle against this despicable ideology would have been lost if not for the assistance of the pious Islamic traders who operated in our many settlements. From the north, the scholars descended and corrected the behaviors of those who had been lost to Scorpionism.
10:11 PM
During a second invasion, a great scholar emerged in the city of Uruk. Ibrahim Bundu, who claims descent from the prophets brother, bravely fought the scorpion cultists who attacked Uruk. In retaliation for these actions, Sumer had declared a holy war upon the followers of the Scorpion. Allah had brought us advanced weaponry and a cause worth fighting for. In our darkest hour, Allah and his prophet saved us. It is now our duty to rid the world of these scheming infidels. Their innovations and affronts to God cannot to tolerated.
10:12 PM
The people of Sumer clamor for a new government based upon the principles of the Sharia and soon we shall have it. In accordance with the writings from the clerics of Mali we are establishing a new way of life.
10:13 PM
Since converting, our people have become profoundly more productive. In the image of the prophet himself, many of our people have become merchants. The trade networks they establish have brought wealth never before experienced to Sumer.


The poor Scorpion is always misunderstood.


Furthermore, the construction of a Ribat along our southern-most border protects us from the heretics and all enemies who would oppose Allah


Though we love the jungles of our Homeland, for many years Brazilians sought to party in other regions as well. Beach parties, desert benders, and snowy getaways were once merely in our dreams. But now we have made them a reality! Our neighbors, the Mongols, were nice enough, but their idea of a good time was pretty lame. In fact they were a traditional, backwards people who couldn't stand the thought of hosting our raucous parties in their cities. Our party goers would have none of that, so we loaded up on explosives and took it to 'em! They couldn't match our crazed partiers, and victory was swift. Now Mongolian horses are used for drunken rodeos and mounted kegstands! Party on! In another fortunate turn of events some partiers participating in a remote desert music festival (clothing optional) discovered rich sources of oil and coal. Now we can blow up nearly anything that gets in the way of the party!
April 10, 2020



10:02 AM
10:02 AM
10:02 AM
Session 5 begins: Turn 141 - 1500 AD


Terrible storms devastate the Zulu heartland


Brazilians know we can party harder together and adopt Communism!


8:58 PM
8:58 PM


Russia and the Zulu celebrate a historic trade deal!


Zulu enjoys the finer things in life. We wouldn't call ourselves Brazilian or anything, but we know how to enjoy ourselves.
9:16 PM
Mali has denounced the evil deeds of Brazil!


Ur burns as the Russian cannons continue their assault upon the lands of Islam
9:23 PM
Russian Cossacks overwhelm the remaining defenders in the smoldering ruins of the once great port city of Ur


Russia celebrates! At last the Sumerian invaders have learned their lesson. Twice they have started war and twice they have been rebuffed. This time it cost them the city they settled along our border, Ur.


9:27 PM


Russia generously spares Ur, though we considered razing it to the ground. Its people will surely be happier knowing the way of the Scorpion from now on though.



The party is now out of this world as Brazil launches the first satellite into space!


Meanwhile, the ages-long friendship between Russia and Brazil continues - a true example for the people of the world!
9:31 PM
We wish Brazil well in their cosmic endeavors
9:31 PM
They will surely spread our beloved Scorpion goddess to other worlds!


The Jihad called by the cleric Ibrahim Bundu in Uruk so many years ago has ended. The fervor of Allah's holy warriors slowly decayed over time. With Ibrahim's passing, and the absence of the legendary scholars of Mali, our warriors lacked leadership to continue their righteous struggle against the pagans of the south. As the years passed the pagans developed ever more deadly weapons of destruction. Gradually they wore away at our position until the ancient port city of Ur came under direct fire from strange contraptions that seemed to fling hell itself upon its targets. Finally, Ur was reduced to a smoldering ruin... it was only then that the pagans rode in upon their horses and sought to forcibly convert the population and rebuild the city from the ground up.
9:36 PM
The king of Sumer was forced to agree to peace or risk losing his whole realm


Russia does not now, nor have we ever, wished harm upon Sumer. However we will defend ourselves with furious wrath and take whatever steps necessary to punish aggressors. Let us end the warring hostilities - this time permanently.
Session 6 begins: Turn 163 - 1685 AD



1725 AD - Russia declares war on Sumeria


The world descends into global war!
8:55 PM
Sumerian allies, Mali and Egypt, declare war on Russia.



9:48 PM
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9:53 PM
May 1, 2020


Opening positions of the Great War for Ur.
11:03 AM
The Liberation of Jinju
11:09 AM
Supreme Leader Shakayronis of the Nationalist State of Zulu, would like to publicly thank our cousin and ally, Egypt and their leader Cleotaur @NativeMinotaur for 5,700 years of peace, communication, and cooperation. Our people had a humble, challenged start, and the Egyptian people were always reasonable and easy to approach, even when tensions or disagreements arose. Our cultures are hybrid versions of one another, and even our continent is a model of balance and harmony. Respect. :green_heart:

Pong 14 Final Results
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Victory Condition Progress
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World Map
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