Civilization VI 'Summer 2017 Update'
Summer 2017 update released today. Change list below. [NEW] Nubia Civ Unique Ability: +50% Production toward Ranged units. All Ranged units earn promotions 50% faster. Mines over strategic resources are +1 Production. Mines over bonus and luxury resources are +2 Gold. Queen Amanitore Unique Ability: Kandake of MeroĆ« - +20% Production on all districts rising to +40% if the city contains a Nubian Pyramid adjacent to the City Center. Pitati Archer: Replaces the Archer. Stronger than the Archer with +1 Movement. Nubian Pyramid: Improvement. +1 Faith. Receives additional yields from adjacent districts. +1 Food if adjacent to a city center. For all other districts that award adjacency bonuses: +1 of the appropriate yield if that district is adjacent. Desert, Desert Hills, Floodplains. Jebel Barkal Wonder Unlocked at Iron Working. Awards 2 free Iron and +4 Faith to Cities within 6 tiles. ‘Gifts of the Nile’ Scenario The Nile River is the life-blood of not one ancient civiliz...