
Welcome to Pong Report, a blog dedicated to after action reports of the Civilization game series.

What is Sid Meier's Civilization?

The best game series ever, period, full stop. See the official page and Wikipedia for more info.

What is Civilization 6?

The latest iteration of the game. We like it a lot and think that the new game mechanics are tons of fun but wish that the AI knew how to use them well enough to mount a meaningful threat. Since it can't and is unlikely to ever do so, we prefer to play with and against each other. Besides, games are more fun with friends. 

What is a Pong Report?

Pong Report is a website presenting the after action reports (AARs) of our Civilization games. We've been making AARs for over a decade and got tired of sharing them with just our friends, thus Pong Report.

Our game is currently ongoing and updates at the end of each game, usually every three months. There are currently six human players in Ping-Pong Civ.

Can I comment?

Yes!! Please. We only post the reports after the games have concluded, but the author and/or player will likely respond if you want to ask questions. There's no chance of anything being spoiled so ask away.

Who are you guys? 

Joe: Joseph Moskie is a software developer and long-time strategy gamer. Playing board games for most of his childhood, a handful of floppy disks given to him by a friend in 6th grade completely and irrevocably altered his sleep patterns. He's been mashing "One More Turn" ever since.    G+

Nate: Nathan Ayronis is a university professor of history who spends too much of his time making up stories about fictional societies and not enough time publishing research.  Discovering Sid Meier's Civilization at the age of 10 is one of the primary reasons he grew up to be an historian. He struggles to resist the temptation to roleplay the game, and as a result, he isn't very good at it. G+, Twitter

Zach: Zach Reed is an English teacher and long-time strategy game player. He grew up playing classic RTS games such as Red Alert, Starcraft, and Age of Empires. Perhaps the influence of these games has led to his current status as Pong's resident warmonger.

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