Ping 2 - Gamechat

Ping 2

Ping 2 was our second Cloud game, played from July 2019 to January 2020. Over the course of about 175 turns, the Cree (Zar) expanded in all directions to conquer the world. Along the way there was some interesting diplomacy as a Persia unified the East and Phoenicia and Australia each interacted with the expansionist Cree in their own ways. In the end, it didn't matter, and the Cree easily swallowed the world with the might of their industrial and modern weapons.

The following game chat records the events as they happened.
======================================= Cloud Ping Game Settings ======================================= Game Settings: * Mulligan until Turn 10 (may request any number of restarts) * Draft leader from 3 random (Each player assigned 3 random, player chooses one) * Only human players (no AI) * All players default to Emperor difficulty * Players may use a lower difficulty if desired (note only lvls 1-3 help humans in MP) * Default Cloud Play mode settings (Turn based during the month, simultaneous during marathon) * Marathons will use Simultaneous turns until a player is eliminated, and then will switch to pure cloud play (c.f. Ping-1) * Quick speed * Small sized Fractal map * All other settings Standard * Disaster level 3 ======================================= Player order: Me->Zar->Erik->Pete->Joe->Jeff Player List - Civs: Player 1: Nate - Persia Player 2: Zar - Cree Player 3: Erik - Australia Player 4: Nico - Khmer Player 5: Joe - Phoenician Player 6: Jeff - Arabia =======================================
July 31, 2019

It begins.

It begins.
August 4, 2019

I am Ayrus, first among chiefs. All are welcome to visit our court and taste its splendors.
October 3, 2019

The Persians are fascinated by the world they see: an Arabia of nomadic people stretched far across the world; the humble Khmer, contemplating the gods in the corner; the Phoenicians of the mysterious sea; Australia from beyond the edge; and the powerful Cree dominating the mountains of the middle lands. All are welcome to visit the fantastic court of Persia.

As our society emerges from the cocoa-rich jungles and towering mountains, the Cree seek to develop trade and diplomacy with all our neighbors. Settled in the center of the world, our cities act as gateways for commerce between East and West. Let us all work together to develop this new and curious world!
October 6, 2019

The crown jewel of the Cree empire has been completed! All mountain dwellers rejoice!
October 18, 2019

In 1 AD, the court of Persia consents to the request of our Zanzibari vassal. Seeking to correct historical insults, and to enrich themselves, they requested a war with the Khmer. We are amenable to the wishes of all our people. Persia declares war on the Khmer until the Zanzibar are satisfied.
1 AD also saw the birth of Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi and the completion of the Persian great works: The Illiad and the Odyssey. There is no limit to the splendors of Pasargadae and the Court of Persia.
October 20, 2019

BOOOO! The representitive from Phoenicia bangs her sandal loudly on the table, decrying the oppression of the sciences by "backwards fearmongers"

Persia notes the attention it has garnered in the world. We hope to be deserving of this fame in the future.

The Phoenicians are happy to announce the extension of friendship with the Cree. The border has grown militarized in recent years, but the commitment of both sides to a lasting peace has eased tension.

The Cree hope for all nations to be at peace. Our position is that war will only damage the lucrative trade opportunities this world has to offer.

Angry Khmer merchants tear up Persian fields. The god-king is not amused.

Don't punish the dogs!

The Cree refer to all Khmer people as dogs, news at 11.



The people of Indrapura, say a quarry for a quarry

But I said not to punish them, so it's not racist!


The Khmer trade with the Cree

Phoenicia has Jade and Truffles for sale. Send your offers.

Indrapura burns.

By Mercenaries fueled with Persian gold

Persia means peace and gold.

Indrapura has fallen.
October 29, 2019

The Aussies have begun their campaign to annex Preslav.


November 8, 2019

November 9, 2019

The era of Grand Commerce begins as the Patronage of Great Merchants becomes cheap and Mercenary Companies banned, making war much more expensive.



steak and peace be with you


November 16, 2019

Steak-priests cry out for Persian sauce! Persian envoys have been dispatched to Arabia demanding their merchant prince offer tribute and submission.

merchant prince? we’re just simple purveyors of fine beef products

It seems the bloodthirst of the Persians cannot be quenched, as they have declared war on the holy Arabians. The Cree do not approve of these aggressive actions, just as we did not approve of their attack on the Khmer.
November 17, 2019

The world is round, y'all. (just in time to snatch a Golden Age!)

Persia congratulates Phoenicia on their discovery.

A misbehaving Persian general indulges his bloodlust and begins slaughtering Arabian people. The God-King Cyronis condemns these actions and says that the responsible officers will be punished. Persia is order. Persia is peace. We will not tolerate such insubordination.

two arabian cities have been lost to dust... the slaughter... the slaughter

General Timur is at fault. A shame on Persian perfection.

Are the Khmer a full vassal of Persia now? Going to war with the Arabians?


The Khmer are under the protection of Persia. Any attack on them is an attack on us.

The steak eaters marched their bloated bellies into our aviaries and demanded we eat steak, no such luck
November 28, 2019

The Phoenicians bring an official denouncement against the Cree, who continue to ignore the native peoples of the city states they have conquered, enslaved, and built their economic empire on top of. We hope that other nations of the world will join us in rebuking the slavers playing as traders. Their control of the Jewish holy city of Jerusalem is of special concern for our people. We would see all the city states under their control liberated.
November 30, 2019

The lesser nations have lived under the benevolent umbrella of the Cree for centuries. They have intermarried with us and become indistinguishable from native Cree. To stir unwarranted notions of rebellion is a direct threat to Cree sovereignty! We advise the Phoenicians to stay out of our business and go back to playing in the water where they belong.
December 5, 2019

The world Congress convenes
December 7, 2019

The Cree's strong vote for Siege Weaponry to be stronger is a clear indication of offensive, imperialist objectives. We decry their unabashed hawkishness.

Persia notes with some concern Cree's hawkishness and ominous silence.
December 8, 2019

Persia notes the Cree's hawkishness with concern as they eradicate Arabian society from the earth
December 17, 2019

As they should!

Oh dear.

The war has come. We warned you! We denounced the Cree's territorial ambitions! Their aggressive posturing at the World Council! And now they come for our homeland. Great floating spheres help their artillery lob shells across the lakes, and rumors of their metal birds are whispered, lest the words summon one. Their aggression has triggered our defensive pact with Persia, the great empire of the East. Together, our forces are more powerful than the Cree juggernaut, but the rest of the world should not count on our two nations to stem the tide of Cree ascention! This is a fight for the world!

Cree merchants and researchers have surveyed the state of the world and found the development of our neighbors to be lacking. It seems we must drag the uneducated and backwards civilizations into the future against their will. Those who join us will be greater and richer for it. Those who oppose us shall soon bow to the mighty Cree!
December 18, 2019

The God-King Cyronis laments that the inevitability of modern weapons has, at last, precipitated a new conflict between our noble ally, Phoenicia, and the bellicose Cree. We had hoped that diplomacy and speech would protect the security of the world. The Persian people pray for a speedy end to this most unfortunate of circumstances, lest the world fall from civilization into darkness.
Persia calls on its friends, holy Khmer, and brave Australia, to declare their allegiance in these dire times, so that all may know who is friend and who is foe.
December 19, 2019

The Cree's steel birds have been matched with steel horses! Phoenician soldiers struggle to even comprehend what they are fighting, as enemies they can't see continue to shell their fortifications.
December 22, 2019

Despite heavy resistance from the Phoenician army, Biruta is now occupied by the Cree! Our men engage in a short celebration consisting of traditional war dances and feasting on the local supply of truffles. However, there are still battles to be fought! Onward we march.
December 24, 2019

Pasargadae, wonder of the world.

Beware the hungry eyes of the eagle-people! They covet all the jewels of the world


Regardless of our current conflict, Cree leaders marvel at the development of Pasargadae. I'm sure in time our troops will be able to admire it for themselves.
December 30, 2019

At last the Phoenician capital comes under Cree control
January 4, 2020

Australia joins the Anti-Cree Coalition as a result of the World Congress vote. Will it be enough? Can anyone stop the march of the Cree war machine?

We are disappointed that Australia, our former ally, has turned against us. But we understand they must see us as a threat to their sovereignty.
January 5, 2020

From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.

January 8, 2020

Susa has fallen to the Cree invaders.

Pasargadae has fallen to the Cree invaders. 1675 AD.
Paradise has fallen.

Gordian falls in 1680 AD.

Prettybird clerics follow the convoy of tanks into cities and convert the shellshocked citizens

Australia breathes its last. G'day mate. 1720 AD.
Persia is destroyed.

The First Regiment of the Cree Fascist forces celebrates in the streets of Angkor Thom
Such a bully


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