Pong 13 - Gamechat
Pong 13
===============================Game Settings:
* Mulligan until Turn 10 (may request any number of restarts)
* Draft leader from 3 random (Each player assigned 3 random civs, player chooses one)
* No AIs civs
* 2 additional city-states to fill space vacated by missing 8th player
* Uses Pong Difficulty Mod
* Map: Fractal
* Standard Size
* Standard Sea Level
* Disaster level 3
* Timer: begins 120 seconds in first session and increases 20 seconds per session.
Pong 13: Draft
Player numbers (in order joined):
1- Nate, 2- Joe, 3- Pete, 4- Tel, 5- Zar, 6- Darren, 7- Horse

Player 1 Roman Roman Russian Russian Scythian Scythian
Player 2 Māori Māori Indonesia Indonesia Aztec Aztec
Player 3 Dutch Dutch French French Khmer Khmer
Player 4 Phoenician Phoenician Greek Greek Ottoman Ottoman
Player 5 Swedish Swedish Canadian Canadian Scottish Scottish
Player 6 Nubia Nubia Cree Cree Zulu Zulu
Player 7 Egyptian Egyptian Spanish Spanish Kongolese Kongolese
Session 1 Begins: Turn 1, 4000 BC
The Maori will be clawing their way out from under the ice people for the next thousand years.
Rome wishes the world to know that Nubia and Rome have had a jolly little sport, but the time for games is at an end. Our markets are open to all once more. Hopefully now, and forever!
Rome is a worthy opponent. Despite the clear superiority of Nubia's mighty Pitati, Rome's strong tactics more than made up the difference. We are happy to make peace, but perhaps someday we will test our mettle again.
Meanwhile, we hosted the charming and seductive Kongolese, who immediately made known their affinity for our beautiful queen's generous dimensions.
Rome is familiar with Darranitore's glorious curves. Our choruses sing of her proportion in Roman theaters now.
Hej! I am Zarstina of Sweden, queen of the Holy Mountain and guardian of the sacred earth. In the early days our people were inspired by the mountain shaped as a half moon. We began to worship it and recognize the great beauty of this land. Eventually a prophet, born not of human but directly from the earth descended from the top of the half moon to our civilization.
He taught us that the holy mountain and its adjacent valley were created by God and his partner, the Earth mother as a portrayal of the Heavens on this Earth. We accepted his message and turned our worship toward this God, the Lord. Thus Catholicism came to fruition in Sweden.
We have met many great and curious empires throughout the world. First the Kongolese of the northern jungles. Though we offered friendship and communication, they were suspicious of us and refused our requests. Now we both vie for land and recruitment of various great people to join our empires.
We have made friends with other foreign people, and welcome cooperation between all nations in order to make the world a better place. Let us all strive for greatness to honor the Lord and his glorious natural creation that surrounds us!
January 23, 2020
Session 2 Begins: Turn 71, 200 BC
[8:35 PM]
The Maori do not care much about these proposals. If you would have us vote with you, please send a small gift and let us know.
The Maori lodge an official inquiry with the World Congress: Why did Sweden declare war on Japan?
Golden apostles try to flee Sweden but are butchered in the streets fleeing
[9:10 PM]
Their religion was not as strong as they thought , so they killed the messengers
Once again the Romans and Nubians settle their conflicts on the battlefields. We respect Rome's soldiers and wish that they may find comfort in the visage of our great queen.
The Japanese had previously agreed to not spread their filthy gold in Swedish cities, but broke their promise by sending aggressive heathens into our holy city. Sweden means no harm to Japanese who have the sense to stay in their homeland, but will not tolerate silver (or gold) tongued mystics spreading lies to the Catholic faithful.
But how strong can your faith be compared to the coin if our preachers turned your holy city in two sermons. You did previously talk about how strong your citizens faith is/was. How can you truly know what greed lies behind Swedish eyes until they see a couple coin flips? Now we know and can move on from the killing of clerics?
[6:14 AM]
"greed behind Swedish eyes" I think I hear a catchy tune
We prefer to direct the faith of our people in more productive ways. Such as inspiring our people to build beautiful amphitheaters and develop the natural resources that the Lord hath provided. We believe these tests of faith and temptations of greed are merely a distraction from the truth.
[6:49 AM]
And as we agreed upon before, if your so called clerics stay far away from Sweden they will have nothing to fear!
No country can stop the passing of the coin
January 30, 2020
Session 3 Begins: Turn 112, 1020 AD
There have been 4 major floods in the past dew decades. The water gods are angry.
Horselover Fat01/30/2020
Memevemba A Bazinga emerges from his Bazinga hut, staring out at the borders of his people. Looking at his famous creations throughout time, from the earliest stone carving that simply stated "You just lost the game", back even before people used to say "lel" in their messages to our lands, to the modern popular paper prints depicting an upset woman pointing at a cat seated at a table. Many people send us messages of joy after receiving our great works. They say things like "thumbs up", "haha" or "heart", and yet we wonder if we might be threatened? Perhaps Memevemba A Bazinga could talk to Zarstina, maybe she'd actually like him, oh no, but what about her Chad boyfriend? "Hey honey" he imagined it in his head, and suddenly, BAZINGA! He knew the contents of his next great work, fucking Chads he thought to himself with a sad chuckle.
Walking through the cavernous empty halls of his great works, he whispers to himself "Mvemba storm area around Zar? Mvemba Zar Wars? I Mvemba Zar Wars. Mvemba da good ole days? I Mvemba da good ole days."
Then with a quiet "yeet yeet, kek", a single tear rolled down Memevemba A Bazinga's Doge-like face, though he was certainly a good boy, he could only shitpost.
Driven into a dark age due to years of lost potential squandered in war with our northern Roman neighbors, the Nubians seek meaning in their lives. Looking to their ancient, pre-war history for answers, modern Nubians unearth crude fertility goddesses crafted and given as tributary gifts by the Kongolese at the beginning of time. As if to fulfill a prophecy, the one-time line of queens who once ruled Nubian lands reemerges in all its curvaceous glory. Having seen the wisdom of Gold, the restored Kardarrean family adopts the pursuit of it as it's formal belief, though the Thiccness never goes out of style and the people continue to worship it domestically, more as a cultural tradition than a true religion.
On more current matters, Nubia finds the Roman sense of gratitude a strange thing. For years a wayward Roman scout was trapped between our territory and an active volcano. Seeing the Scout troop repeatedly showered by hot magma, our diplomats beseeched Roman leaders to allow us to escort the Scout safely home through our territory for a small fee, only to be met with indifferent shrugs. Moved by the plight of the abandoned Scout, doomed to an inevitable fiery death in the volcano's shadow, our generous leader, her holy grace Kim K IX, took pity on the poor soul and paid to send surveyors to annex the land, providing safe conduct over the volcano in the process. The Scout returned home to Rome and was met with cheers, only for the Roman government to publicly denounce our people shortly after. If this is Roman gratuity, we want none of it.
Rome is not a great people. We are neither the strongest nor the wisest, most religious or most prosperous. But in our quiet corner of the world, we are a proud people. Skilled with horse and spear. And talented makers of monuments. We have built many roads between old cities and new settlements. We have sparred with our neighbors, survived two invasions by the Nubian warriors, and retained our dignity in the face of Maori incursion. We are perhaps most proud of our writers, though if we are honest, we are most pleased with our baths. Every Roman enjoys a bit of steam almost daily. Mention this message for a 15% discount on your first visit to a Roman bath.
I am Joana, of Motunui!
The Maori have a storied history. We were borne by the sea, carried by the waves and winds to the northern reaches of the world. We settled there, on the ice, for fear of never finding a better home.
Our people lived simple lives as miners and fishermen, and our scouts skimmed along the coasts of Kernorland, praying any god that would listen for lush jungles or dense forests.
Everything changed with the Ice Nation attacked.
Barbarians from the northerenmost areas known to man, hardened and driven mad by eking out an existence in the barren ice, fell upon our settlement in incomprehensible numbers. Even today, scholars debate the veracity of the accounts, many not believing it possible for so many warriors to have existed in such cold.
Many Maori fled the capital for the warmer lands of what would later be revealed to be the pangea all civilized people of the world share. For their troubles, they were stricken with a drought.
While the colonists struggled to get their settlements up and running, those who remained in the tundras beat back the Ice People. The war lasted for generations, and in the end the barbarians were given no quarter.
[3:34 PM]
Having invested significant resources in dealing with the scourge to the north, the Maori soldiers looked to pangea, finding every civilization there vastly richer, more cultured, and with advanced technology they could barely comprehend. The settlements there had grown, but had little more than a handful of farms and quarries.
Boudica rose through the ranks and cried out, declaring that the Maori would not be a backwards people. The most decorated soldiers the world had seen up to that point were adorned with ceremonial tattoos and equipped with mere, paddle-like weapons made of magical greenstone. They danced and stomped in unison, begging for a new enemy.
It was then that Joana decided to make war with the lesser peoples of Northeastern Kernorland.
The first to fall was Nazca, its lush jungles tantalising to Maori priests and naturalists. The warriors did not understand their strange faith, nor care about the lines they drew in the sand.
[3:34 PM]
Next was Yerevan, chosen for its proximity to a long mountain chain, and because Maori leadership were wary of Japanese prostelyzers, who had by that point already converted two other civilizations to worship of Gold.
The commercial city states were of particular use to the growing Maori merchant class, and left alone. Rapa Nui was spared due to the defensiveness of their terrain (city surrounded by mountains save one choke.)
Northeastern Kernorland secured, the Maori Toa stood down, and an age of peace dawned. The construction of the first Marae brought with it a surge of interest in the ancient Maori culture, the songs that were sung before the drums and chants of war drowned them out. Maori returned to the wilderness, finding peace of mind and understanding. Marae were soon built throughout the empire, anywhere jungles and forests were prevalent. Libraries and universities sprang up, and soon the Maori were catching up to their neighbors. Boudica’s prophecy was manifest.
[3:35 PM]
Settlers once again took to the sea in droves, driven by tales of the thickest jungles in the world and rare luxuries previously unknown.
The first Maori settlements on the island of Mohenjo-Daro and in Euramerica, the western third of pangea, thrived. The jungles there provided food, production, culture, and faith, as all of the different peoples of the Maori found their own primal connection to the land. There was raw power here unlike anywhere else in the world.
The whispers of luxuries were true. Maori merchants brought back citrus, silk, gems, and gypsum. The latter of which would spark tensions with the people of Rome.
Not fully understanding the extent of Roman territorial claims due to poor inland maps of Euramerica, the Maori settled Taupiri on a tiny peninsula northwest of Antium. The city immediately became the subject of contention, and during the disagreement a Maori scout happened upon an unescorted Roman settler.
The war quickly turned hot, but was limited to naval engagements outside Taupiri. Roman sailors had the upper hand initially, but wealthy Maori merchant princes, eager to defend their gypsum, commissioned the rapid construction of several warships.
The Roman fleet fell back to the port of Antium. No ships were sunk on either side, and the only “casualties” were the Roman settlers pressed into settling Pari-Ru on the island of Mohenjo-Daro. The Maori agreed to pay the cost of a settler in gold to Rome to secure peace, promising not to expand further into Euramerica so long as they were allowed to keep their gypsum colony.
[3:35 PM]

Peace prevailed again throughout the Maori world, despite the Romans making a political statement at the World Congress and banning the use of the gypsum the Maori were so intent on keeping, and convincing Kongo to go along with it.
Maori scientists kept inventing, unlocking the secrets of the universe at breakneck speed, to become tied with Kongo for the most advanced civilization. Maori culture is still heavily centered on their connection to the natural world, but archeologists have traveled throughout the world and brought back relics from all the great civilizations and minor empires to showcase at their museums.
Her illustrious curvaceousness Kim K IX would like to point out to our friends across the globe that Rome is indeed proud - so much so that they cannot bear the truth of our historical conflicts. The first was a mutually agreed on sparring test for our troops. The second war, a more serious affair, began when Roman troops attacked our allies in the city-state of Valletta. Nubia naturally defended its neighbor who we watch over as Suzerain. Neither incident would qualify as Nubian "invasion" by any reasonable standard - we've barely ever even set foot in Rome's territory, while their troops marched directly on our northern-most city.
Session 4 Begins: Turn 151, 1600 AD
Rome calls for cheaper military! Reduce our costs and make war fair.
Our dear friend in Kongo needs our help! Join me my fellow Pongerians.
[9:20 PM]
No civilized people should suffer like this.
It seems all seafaring nations are wretched peoples who cannot contain their greed! Now the Maori have begun their assault on the peaceful Kongolese!
What a grim and perilous world this is, with all people pledged to annihilate one another!
Rome admits that we'd rather live in Kongo, despite everything going on at the moment.
Though the Japanese razed our city and march on our lands with troops and apostles, Swedes can at least take solace in the fact that our culture has become dominant over theirs.
Horselover Fat02/06/2020
The skies are filled with smoke. Our cities lie in the hands of the treacherous Maori. A people who have been our allies for millennia, only to turn on us. Attacking our cities with no prior warning. We saw ourselves as world leaders of peace. Only to fall the fool again, through countless reincarnation we have seen our cultured people fall to the sword, crushed beneath the treads of those who are blind. The Maori are a greedy people, incapable of anything but war, they give nothing to the world, and only take.
So I turn to my allies, help us survive against these horrid people. We wish only to see the Maori defeated and will do anything to help you be victorious!
[10:20 PM]
Maori spies observe as Rome postures itself for war.
After much deliberation, the Maori signed friendship agreements with both sides and declared itself neutral in the conflict. The majority of the Maori fleet sailed west to the Kongolese coast.
We are happy to see that the borders of the two nations have changed ltitle, even if things seem to be beginning to favor Rome.
[10:21 PM]
(This was ~2 turns before he declared)
The drums of war sound again.
Modern rifles, artillery, and armored tanks take to the battlefield, but the ceremonial weapons of the Maori culture since time immemorial are still wielded by bannermen and shamen.
Boudica’s prophecy was manifest: the Maori fought their way from nearly the most backward to most advanced civilization in the world. As the other peoples of Pongeria were constructing their first factories, the Maori were already refining oil. And in the frozen lands of the ice people, the most ancient enemies of the Maori, much of the powerful liquid was found.
As Rome poised itself to attack Nubia, the Maori pondered intervening. Their ironclads and battleships stationed nearby would make quick work of the Roman coast, and put them on the defensive in any conflict with their southern neighbor. Rome sought a friendship agreement to prevent this, and for many years the Maori simply did not respond, unsure of what they would do.
[10:47 PM]
Watching the traditional culture of their people slip away in the face of Kongolese art, music, and resort towns, the Maori leadership had other plans.
Accepting Rome’s hand in friendship, the Maori declared neutrality in the conflict between the two nations. The majority of the fleet near Rome was recalled to make war on the Kongo.
The Maori leapt out of a Dark Age into a Heroic one, and called their people To Arms! Their Diplomats prepared the denouncement as the existing alliance agreement ticked down. It was a mere formality, as the first shells were lobbed before the Kongolese leadership finished reading the document.
The Maori navy made quick work of the two Kongolese coastal cities, as balloon-guided artillery shelled inland cities from afar. The blitzkrieg was shockingly effective, as the southern half of the Kongo folded rapidly.
Rapa Nui aligned themselves with the Kongolese, and were punished for their insolence.
Sweden, too, sided with the falling African nation. They brought a small number of forces to bear against the advancing Maori army, but fell back when they observed the full might.
The Maori wish to see Eastern Pongea united under their flag. Kongo, and all those who rose against us alongside them, will fall.
Finally, the Maori would like to officially guarantee the independence of, and non-interference with, the nations of Rome, Nubia, and Japan.
February 20, 2020
JoeLast Thursday at 8:06 PM
Session 5 Begins: Turn 183, 1785 AD
NateLast Thursday at 9:10 PM
Japan WINS!
[9:11 PM]
Game ends Turn 197 - 1852 AD with a Japanese (NicoDemonous) victory.
NicoDemonousLast Thursday at 9:43 PM
I don't know, I had some decent losses from 1M flooding
NateLast Thursday at 9:44 PM
No doubt. But typically we race to 70% lost in just a couple of decades.
February 21, 2020
DarrenLast Friday at 9:58 AM
Rome captures the Nubian capital. Our military at this point consists of a single lonely musketman holed up in the El-Kurru Encampment, as well as a spy behind enemy lines. He'll soon get wind that there's no home to return to and will start a new life under a Roman identity.
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