Pong 3: Turns 144 - 175 of Russia

It's Tuesday, and that means it's time to play some Civ!

The world is in interesting times! In the last session, the Vikings have conquered Kyoto and Hong Kong, while my insular Russians began to attract tourists from all around the world.

Terrified of the Norsemen and their navy, our Great Peter set the modernization and expansion of our navy as his top priority.

After loading the save, one of the first things I notice is that Nubia has a shit ton of units hanging around.

Her power has always been amazingly high, but I haven't scouted her out in a while. Seeing that many knights just milling about was a little worrisome. She's a declared friend of Russia, so I'm not expecting any sneak attacks, but she's also the AI most likely to win. At some point, someone will have to challenge her, and deal with the scores of units she has.

As noted in my last report, I devoted considerable effort into getting Gustave Eiffel so that I could use him to rush the Venetian Arsenal. I saw doubling up on every ship produced as the best chance to ensure that I could stand toe to toe with Nate's Norsemen in the late game, and potentially the only way to deter him from lunging at St. Petersburg outright.

I totally missed the fact that Mr. Eiffel gets two charges! I pondered sending him over to Kazan to rush-finish the Forbidden City, but I'm so far ahead in civics that I think I'm safe letting that one build normally. I park him near St. Petersburg so I can get another wonder there, triggering the extra envoys from the Apadana.

After finishing workers in several cities and upgrading my ships/troops, I swap out Public Works and Professional Army for Logistics and Grand Opera.

Grand Opera doubles the culture from buildings within my Theater Square districts, and I've got a bunch of those going now.

Logistics gives units an extra move if they start in friendly territory, and I mostly chose it as a filler because I didn't see any Military policy cards that were useful for me during peacetime.

As something of an unexpected boon, all of my workers got a third move, which sped up the improvements I wanted, and allowed them to move onto forests and drop Lumber Mills immediately.

Norsemen try to abscond with one of my great works, but were unsuccessful.

It intrigues me that this is what Nate chose to do with his first Spy. It's plainly obvious that I'm going for a cultural victory, and I suppose stealing art is a good way to combat that, but it's not something I'd ever think to do against an AI. I'm all about stealing money and science when I play alone. Playing with humans is quite different.

I was lucky to catch the spy, and I quickly build my second one and have him do counter espionage in St. Petersburg in case he tries again.

Religious wars in Scythia. I've converted their holy city, but just barely. I made some unforced errors with my movements during this time, bumble a bit, but still manage to convert most of Scythia away from Taoism.


My first relic!

I'm reasonably certain that trying to convert Nate's cities is a lost cause, so I don't mind the penalties for having my Apostles die near his cities. Whenever I get an Apostle with 1 spread left, I send it over to Nate and he seems happy to kill them, generating me a free relic.

I settle Astrakhan in 1570 AD to lock down a second source of Niter, as well as some duplicates of luxury items I can trade away to the AIs.

At this point I'm still worried about an attack from Nate, and in my paranoia I've imagined hordes of Berserkers running through Japan and across the flatlands of the Great Wastes. This second Niter will make it so I can rush Musketmen in all my cities, with gold or faith.

The positioning of the city is also pretty defensible. The lake helps to protect against a full-on siege and allows my ranged units to pick off things coming around, the river being a tile out also slows down approachers, and the hills around it make it difficult to reach quickly.

I move two trade routes to boost the production and food of Astrakhan. I don't need it to be too big, but I want it to be something more than a speedbump should Nate come across the Great Wastes.

More conversions in Scythia. At this point I realize that I'm an Apostle or two short from wiping Taoism out, and it's a long way to reinforce.

Immediately after finishing the Venetian Arsenal, I switched St. Petersburg back to the pre-built Privateer with 1 turn left, and crank out two. My Privateers scout out ahead in the seas a bit, and catch a few of Nate's ships near my coasts while I work on some Frigates.

I was already a little worried / paranoid about Nate's fleet amassing off Russian shores, but the arrival of a Great Admiral is what caused me to break my silence.

I've got him outgunned here, but just barely, and I have no way of knowing how many more ships are out in the fog. His ships are also more experienced, and the Great Admiral may tip the scales in his favor.

He assures me that his fleet is just there to ensure "the Russian militarization is kept in check." We have a brief conversation about brinkmanship, but the issue is not resolved. I continue working on more Frigates.

My spy arrives in Kyoto, the old capital of Japan and the heart of New Scandinavia.

I'm happy to find that he has a bunch of units stationed there. I don't know how many he used to take the city, but I figure it was only a handful supported by his ships. Seeing so many units idling around the city implies that they're probably not rushing across the Great Wastes any time soon.

Kyoto was chosen because it has a Campus, and will let my Spy shore up my weakest attribute this game, Science. 

I only took the one screenshot, but immediately after hooking up my second Niter nearly all of the AIs came begging for it.

But no, I need it. Berserkers hide in the shadows. All of the shadows.

Nate continues to sail his fleet near Russia in a show of force. Russian shipwrights work tirelessly to expand the fleet for fear that they will soon visit St. Petersburg.

Another Viking colony, this time near Scythia.

Looks like he's also grabbing Niter. It's a pretty shit city otherwise.

The cluster of ships looks intimidating, and I was definitely worried while we were playing, but looking back now it's really not all that many boats. I know he has more somewhere, though.

My Privateers and a Caravel keep watch.

Frederick takes Brussels from me, but I've completed the Venetian Arsenal and Kazan is just about done with the Forbidden City, so that's fine with me for now. I've got a bunch of envoys in my pocket, but I don't need Brussels' bonus to wonder production anymore.

After poking my borders with a scout, Nate's fleet begins to head south. What trickery is this?!

I continue pumping out Frigates for the time being.

I pop a Great Artist and a Great Writer in the same turn! I need more places to put all this art!

I had been amassing culture for a few turns to rush land units if an invasion ever came, but seeing Adam Smith got me thinking. I'm a total sucker for extra policy card slots. I'm pretty close already, and I decide to use the free wildcard slot I just got from the Forbidden City for Traveling Merchants to help beat Nate to it. 

Again, 1 GPP = 10 faith for the purposes of recruiting Great People, so this card is worth +20 faith per turn.

Japan is the weakest civilization in the game, and have just barely begun to settle the crappy land no one wanted after being ravaged by Nate's Norsemen.

Still, there's no issue accepting his friendship, as most of the other AIs like him.

At this point I think I'm doing pretty well removing Taoism from Scythia, but I'm running out of Spread Religion charges.

I start chasing away Missionaries.

Three turns affter deciding I wanted him, Adam Smith is mine.

Popping him gets me a new Economic Policy slot, and allows me to reorganize my cards immediately.

I've just started two new wonders: Broadway and Cristo Redentor, so the Skyscrapers card's +15% to late-game wonders was a gimmie.

I swap out Traveling Merchants for Meritocracy, which helps spike my culture some more.

Looking back, I should probably have started playing more science-based cards, but I only have two Campuses at this point.

My spy Sofiya successfully stole the boost for Steel from Kyoto! I forget to promote her (oops!) and send her right back in. I end up cancelling the mission next turn to promote her.

Turn 161: The World

I'm pretty happy with how my navy is coming along, and it appears as though I have been able to deter Nate from attacking me outright.

I've gone back to building wonders and culture buildings in most cities, and Smolensk is finishing its first Neighborhood. Soon it shall grow huge!

I still haven't scouted out Scandinavia well enough for my liking. I plan to send more Apostles there.

Nate has begun to settle Iceastan. I had always thought about doing it, there were a few decent 2-luxury city spots down there, but I was always worried about Nate's dominion of the sea isolating me from them. I always had other things to build anyway, I suppose.

Levée en Masse is a complete replacement for Conscription, making the gpt reduction 2 instead of 1. Otherwise unchanged. 

The majority of Nate's fleet is down near Tinkletown, but I've seen some Privateers sneaking around and he keeps poking with scouts to see what my fleet is up to.

I have no interest in leaving my shores, thanks.


Sofiya is doing work, and helping me limp along in the science game.

Most of these techs are ones I don't even have the prerequisites for, but I'm grateful for anything that can help speed things along.

Now Sofiya has even less of a chance to be caught or killed! Huzzah!

I send her back in for Steam Engine.

I'm building wonders, so I buy back Brussels' friendship.

Once I felt confident that I had enough ships to occupy "enough space" and provide "presence" on the map, I start building Fleets and Armadas. The bonus strength will let them hit harder and take more of a beating, which should allow me to punch through Nate's more experienced ships and protect my weaker ones as they retreat.

Nubia comes to me and re-ups the friendship.

Sofiya is now a MASTER SPY, after stealing the secrets of Steam Engine.

I decide to go with Guerrilla Leader. I won't be messing with Partisans now (I don't think Nate has Neighborhoods yet), but I figure that sounds like a fun ability to have later on, especially if I end up fighting Nubia.

Thanks, Qin!

The Science keeps coming, and I keep going back for more!

I keep poking Tinkletown, always expecting to see his fleet upgraded to Ironclads, or reinforced with more ships from far away, but never do.

Has peace really won the day?

I shop around and I find most AIs willing to go to war with the Norsemen, including the top two AI armies. 

I don't pull the trigger, because there's little to be gained at this point for me. Good to know his warmongering has finally turned the AIs against him a bit though!

Why not?

(Because she's super far ahead of me, is why not, but it's too late!)

I don't know if this is a graphics bug, showing me a boat from someplace else, or if I can somehow see through the fog and there's a real ship there. It worries me enough to buy a Scout with faith to find out.

Nate has oil! I remembered seeing Rockefeller after I bought Adam Smith though, and confirm that Nate got him. I was worried he had the tech to drill for it.

With Broadway finished (I used Eiffel to rush it a bit), I finally have a place to use one of my Great Artists.

Yeah Hojo, that dog won't hunt.

Turn 175: End of Session

Greater Russia.



Note that Taoism is ascendant again. 3 Apostles wasn't enough to crush them, and I never reinforced, using my faith for Great People instead. Oh well.

Victory Conditions


Nubia's army is stronger than Nate, but it's in the hands of an AI so I doubt it'll do much.

The expansion of the Russian navy has propelled me to within spitting distance of Nate. I'm still worse off, but I feel much better about my position in the world now.


Nubia DOUBLES my science per turn, and Nate's about 50% better. I definitely dropped the ball here, and my spy can only do so much to help me catch up. I fear I'm being left in the dust, and I'm worried that Nate's military score is just a few upgrades from being astronomical.


I'm still crushing it, but Nubia's domestic Tourism continues to grow. I'm not sure I can ever overcome it.


It's helped me get a lot of great people, but it feels like it's the beginning of the end for the Faith game. 

I have some relic slots left, so I'll be sending out Apostles to get murdered, and I could continue to try to convert Scythia, but I don't much see the point without something like Tithe to keep me interested.

City States

I have 5 envoys in my pocket! Not sure where the best place to send them is.

Lots and lots of great works! Still haven't themed things because I'm a moron, and I've got 2 unused Relic slots. GET IT TOGETHER JOE!

Great People

I should probably get a Great General and Admiral at some point. Franz Von Hipper doesn't seem so bad, and fairly cheap.

I can afford Ada Lovelace already, but I already have the eureka for Computers, so she's a little less enticing.


I'm not sure which Modern Government I want, and I decided to put off the choice until next session by diving for Professional Sports. Conservation will pop in a few turns when Smolensk finishes its most recent Neighborhood.


I don't even want to know how behind I am at this point, but I see a lot of Boosted techs in my future!

I'll have Steam Power next turn. I thought Frigates could be upgraded to Ironclads, but I was wrong. It's Caravels that go that way. Frigates become Battleships. Whoops.

City Report

Still insanely happy.

Hitting the housing cap in a lot of places, but I've got Neighborhoods now! Just need to find the time to build them.


Score Breakdown

This scared the crap out of me.

Nubia just launched a satellite this turn, and they already have Rocketry.

It seems like conflict with them is inevitable, as they're well on their way to a science victory. I don't think there's any chance of me overcoming their domestic tourism to win a culture victory before they finish up science.

A war with Nubia will be a long slog of killing their gigantic army, during which I'd be open to an attack from Nate. I don't know what his strategy is for winning the game now, but the only path forward for him that I see is Domination.

I don't think he'll go to war with Nubia just to hand me the culture win, but someone has to go to war with Nubia. I'm not sure how we'll resolve this Mexican standoff.


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