Pong 3: Turns 193 - 197 of Russia

We had a week off because I was vacationing in Hawaii with my wife, but we're back and ready to watch the slow, heartwrenching demise of the Russian empire!

The siege of Solikamsk goes well enough.

That artillery is hurt too badly to continue, but the Cossack army holds it ground against the Battleship bombards. Most of my units are far enough away from the west coast to be hit at this point.

Holy crap. I did not expect Destroyer vs. Battleship to be so decisively in his favor.

I ended the last session in modestly high spirits at my victories in the bay of Moscow, but it's now clear that it's only a matter of time before the Russian navy is destroyed yet again.

There go the Frigates. I was hoping to upgrade them to Battleships, but used them to help mop things up last turn. That was probably a mistake, but at this point I'm not even sure if them being upgraded would have done much for me.

Zanzibar plunders a trade route. I think this is the second or third one.

As they do, I rebuild them further away, to the Russian east. I continue to trade with Nubia, who is significantly ahead of me in Science, making use of Peter's Grand Embassy ability.

Militarily they've been lacking, but the trade routes have stung a bit.

Freddy makes an offer for dyes, but I don't like it much. I renegotiate for more gpt.

Again, I'm surprised at how one-sided the naval battles are. I know he has the admiral and some promotions (that aren't visible to me at all?) but this is far more brutal than I would have imagined, both on attack and defense. 

I elect not to fire back, but instead fall back a bit and upgrade my Battleship fleets, healing them in the process.

Everything is so expensive with gold! I've grown too used to rushing with faith and the Theocracy discount. Sticker shock has me reeling.

Here's how I end my turn.

I missed the bombardment of Solikamsk in my screenshots, but it's slowly being whittled down.

Nate fires on my artillery army, attempting to break the siege.

Both of my Battleship fleets are wrecked by the Norse destroyers. I'm in genuine awe at how little my fleets did to slow him down.

I am scared for the lives of all my subjects, Cyrus.

My spy in Nubia is discovered, and eventually caught.

The siege of Solikamsk is slow going and not worth all that much. Nate muses, "They fight so hard for so little."

I throw everything I have on the east coast at a Destroyer, but it's not enough to kill it.

There is not much I can do at this point, and the Vikings control the sea unopposed. As Battleships come out of the fog, I know that Moscow will soon be under siege.

Artillery holds up. Maybe it will live long enough to see Solikamsk liberated.

The shelling of Moscow begins.

Sofiya successfully recruits rebellious dissidents outside of Sarpsborg! I send her back in to do it again.

It ended up being two Tanks! I had never done this spy operation before and had expected more, but I'm happy they're at least on-par with the weaponry he has.

They pillage a bit (and maybe nab a trade route?), but don't seem to be doing much. Nate quickly has units there to defend.

The world is getting bloodier, as Persia declares war on Germany.

And Cyrus spits in my face, for good measure.

I struggle with options technologically.

I was originally diving for Radio, hoping that I could negotiate peace with the Vikings and try to eke out a cultural win, but he seems intent on destroying Russia.

Do I want Infantry, or Anti-Tank squads? Does it really matter at this point?

I decide on anti-tanks.

The siege continues, as I used the last turn to upgrade/heal my artillery army. Nate's bombardment doesn't do much, but that Battleship is just farming XP.

It seems that the Tank vs. Spearman mechanic is still alive, in spirit.

The shelling of Moscow continues.

with a range of 3, there's very little I can do to stop his Battleships.

Partisans pillage.

Destroyers are REALLY tough!

Solikamsk survives for another turn.

More shelling.

The injured Cossack army takes a bit more of a beating, but survives.

Solikamsk is Liberated! 

And for some reason I don't gain the benefit of walls from Urban Defenses. I really don't understand that rule.

Without walls, the city is laughably indefensible. I run my Cossack army away.

End of Session: Turn 197

The stage of the battles.


Score breakdown.

The Nubian space race has advanced! They now only have 2 techs left, and a bunch of production standing between them and victory.

Eventually, the Vikings will have to deal with them. Nate has said he believes the world will become "a very cold place" soon enough. I can't wait to see the mushroom clouds!


In 5 turns I got three tourists, which is trending downward. Also, my target number went up by seven as Nubia got more culture.

I just got Flight, which helps a bit, but I'll likely lose Moscow and eventually Smolensk.

Moscow wouldn't be a great loss, culturally, but Smolensk certainly would be.

Ignoring my impending doom, in even the brightest scenario I'd need 28 turns to win culturally. Would that be quick enough to beat the Nubians to space?

Radio is 9 turns away. Would it be worth the Broadcast Towers and Seaside Resorts? Maybe, but I've chosen to try to defend myself, however I can.

Techs & Civics.

Great people.


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