Pong 5: The Mongols

Welcome back to another episode of Ping Pong Civ! This time, we admitted two new players and settled for this one so the game settings look as follows this time around:


  • Mulligan until Turn 1.
  • Reincarnate rule in effect.
  • Random Civ & Leader (must keep first civ, even if you mulligan)
  • 3 AIs set to King
  • Default map and CS settings - Standard Sized Fractal map with low sea levels.
  • Timer: begins 140 seconds in session 1 and increases 20 seconds per session until finish.

The random civs came up as follows:
  • Player 1 Mongol (Nate - Ayronis)
  • Player 2 Russian (Darren - Pyre)
  • Player 3 French (Zach - Zar)
  • Player 4 Egyptian (Joe - Inverse)
  • Player 5 Sumerian (Pete - Nico)
  • Player 6 Australia (Tony - Basic)
  • Player 7 German (Justin - Tel)

The Tale of Pong 5

The following narrative recapitulates the events of Pong Five from beginning to end. See the Turn Breakdown below for screenshots of the game, turn-by-turn.

Session 1 – Turns 1-46 (4000 – 1300 BCE)

I roll the highly expansionist Genghis Khan of Mongolia, a civ I’ve never played before and honestly have no idea how to best take advantage of. My start looks good with a mix of food and production, but it’s a coastal start, which strikes me as really odd for Mongolia. In the early turns, I discover that I’m basically surrounded by city-states. I initially assumed that I’d be attacking them, but as luck would have it, I was able to meet them all first and complete some early quests to gain envoys quickly. Now it seems that I’ll be holding on to at least a couple of them until someone else tries to steal them away. For me, the most important event of the session was meeting Chief Zach of France to the west, in the Midlands, west of the Great Plain. He immediately declared war on me to prevent me from building a trading post in his country, so he became an immediate and obvious opponent. However the big event of the session was definitely the Frankish War.

The Frankish War

Germany (Justin) and France (France) appear to have very close starts. Germany declared war on France at one point, but remarkably France was able to us his intelligence bonus to major advantage and stop the German attack. They went back and forth for about a dozen turns before suddenly agreeing to a ridiculous peace treaty that exchanged all of their cities. So now their cities are swapped and all kinds of inter-connected with one another. Germany claimed agreeing to it was a mistake because he didn’t read the bottom of the screen where the cities were listed…. But regardless of the reason, the Frankish War and its resolution is sure to have major effects throughout the early eras of the game.

The World of Pongeria in 1300 BCE

The World Rankings in 1300 BCE

Session 2 – Turns 46-89 (1300 BCE – 440 CE)

Session 2 was all about expansion and French containment for the Mongolians. We continued to expand down the coast of Crab Gulf and our military reached the borders of France. First a wave of chariots sacked and razed the French outpost of Calais. Shortly after the French became sovereigns of Bandar Brunei, so our new horde of horsemen riders conquered that city as an example of what we do to rebels who resist us. A few great people were born and our military grows ever stronger, with horsemen appearing almost every other turn now. But the big event of the session was in the Midlands once again, in the Second Frankish War.

The Second Frankish War

France continued to grow its military at the end of the previous conflict, and unsurprisingly declared war on Germany as soon as possible. They fought back and forth for a time, but I could see very little of it. Within fewer than ten turns, German Lyon was conquered and the capital was under siege and then defeated. All of the Frankish Midlands are now under French control. Meanwhile England finished conquering Korea, further south, and both England (AI) and Sumeria (Pete but temporary under AI control) declared a joint war on France. The gesture seems more political than practical however, and no one seriously believes either nation intends to conquer France right now. 

The World of Pongeria in 440 CE

The World Rankings in 440 CE

Session 3 – Turns 89-110 (440 – 980 CE)

The Medieval Era saw many conflicts in the Midlands as the periphery continued to steadily advance and develop. England and Sumeria both settled for peace with France fairly quickly. Both civs were under new rulers, as Pete returned to Sumeria after a session away, and Justin (Tel) reincarnated as the new ruler of England. Egypt and Australia continued to grow and develop in the South, but they are now pressing against one another. For our part, most of the action was the Mongolian Riders of the North Reach.

The Riders of North Reach

Mongolia raised nearly a dozen horsemen, and after a long 10-14 turns, most of them arrived in the North Reach of Midland France via a northern passage. There they probed French defenses but discovered the northern border too well defended to meaningfully attack. Instead, they proceeded to ride up and down the North Reach making opportunity strikes against targets where possible. Sometimes they pillaged tiles or killed a unit, but just as many times a horseman unit was killed by ranged attackers in France. As losses mounted and war weariness from the lost riders grew, we withdrew the horde until knights could bolster our weakened ranks. 

The World of Pongeria in 980 CE

The World Rankings in 980 CE

Session 4 – Turns 111-135 (980-1440 CE)

The Early Renaissance Era saw a decline in the conflicts of the Midlands as England was effectively repulsed from France and the Mongolian Riders found fewer and fewer targets to attack. Egypt continued their massive development with the creation of several more wonders. They are now in first place but thankfully also my strongest ally. We formed a very profitable research alliance this session, and that combined with the Wisselbanken policy, is helping to boost both of our civs considerably. Elsewhere, Sumeria concluded its war with Persia and turns its sights on Russia, eventually pulling even Persian into the new Northern War, but I can see very little of what’s going on over there. Egypt provoked a minor religious emergency with its religious conversion of the Australian holy city, but it’s not going to affect much. Otherwise, I continued to raid the Northern Reaches, but as France grows stronger and has more available knights, it’s harder and harder to find targets worth the risk.

New Riders

The World of Pongeria in 1440 CE

The World Rankings in 1440 CE

Session 5 – Turns 135-154 (1440-1630 CE)

The Renaissance Era was the last bit of calm before conflict erupted between Mongolia and France again. The Mongolians shifted focus from military to economy and development, a decision that may prove to be a mistake because France launched a major offensive on us in the final turns of the session, in an event known as the Gurgan Fields War. Elsewhere Sumeria and Russia achieved a peace treaty, and England and Australia became solid friends and entered into an alliance. Egypt continues to drastically outpace the world, especially in culture, with more than 250 CPT, when most civs are producing only around 75. Their religion and their culture grow stronger every session.

The Gurgan Fields War

 France, who remains one of the most backward civs of the game, was silent. I mistakenly believed that he was finally focusing on development, but I was wrong. Our raiders and scouts failed to detect his militarization, but we soon detected his mobilization when the columns of troops marched out. He killed our scouts and moved on Mongolia. We aren’t completely unprepared, but we had pulled over half our riders home after noticing an Egyptian military buildup. His troops are modern. Ours are not. His troops have range and formation. Ours are outdated knights and riders, who are not in position. We have offered peace, but he is unlikely to accept it. We will hide behind our walls and hope for the best, but this is probably the end of Mongolian influence in the Midlands.

I blame the other nations of the world, in part, for whatever comes next. Russia, Sumeria, and even the AI-controlled England are all trading with and bolstering the warmonger France. When he takes the Midlands, they will have to deal with a significantly stronger France, and I honestly doubt they can stop him. War will be endless and Egypt (Joe) will win (again), but there is much time yet. Let’s see what happens.

The World of Pongeria in 1630 CE

The World Rankings in 1630 CE

Session 6 – Turns 154-172 (1630-1730 CE)

We return to Mongolia in the early Industrial Era as the Gurgan Fields War continues. Egypt is continuing their explosive cultural and religious expansion in the south, but the rest of the world seems to be recovering from the conflicts of the previous session. All eyes are on the Midlands as France continues their invasion.

Gurgan Fields War: The Fall of The West

 Justin resumed play of England (replacing the AI) and immediately declares war on France to hinder their economic development. The other nations have been warned about French aggression, but it’s unclear how seriously they seem to be taking the threat. The French press hard on our western defenses, and after a few exchanges their slow advance conquers West Point and turns south on Iryai. There, their two invading forces joined for a stronger attack, and the city fell very quickly. We pulled our troops back to the more defensible and much more important Hami, our western capital. Switching to Monarchy (from Merchant Republic) and the added military policies helped advance faster production of defensive units, and within a few turns we had a few field guns in position to guard hinterlands around Hami. This proved decisive as our chained guns turned on his front lines. We focused fire on melee units to eliminate his ability to occupy the city, and the plan seemed to have worked. After 2-3 units fell and others were damaged, he pulled back to West Point and the Gurgan Fields War was over.

Though the eternal conflict between France and Mongolia will no doubt continue, we have some cultural advantages in the Gurgan Fields as well as a new array of artillery in the field that should hopefully turn the tide of this conflict for the near future.  
The World of Pongeria in 1730 CE

The World Rankings in 1730 CE

Session 7 – Turns 173-189 (1730-1815 CE)

We return to Mongolia in the late Industrial Era with a relative quiet on the Western Front. Egypt continues to build multiple wonders but surprises everyone by sneak attacking a Russian city overseas! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to see the details, or even the city, but it sounds like Russia was hurt pretty badly. Sumeria and France drew much closer together this session, a Midlands Partnership against the surrounding world perhaps, as the war between Sumeria and England ends. In Mongolia, we made considerable gains and retake both West Point and Iryai. The turning point came with the dawning of the Modern Age and our Golden Age. France slipped into a Dark Age, and we easily retook both cities. 
The West Reclaimed

The World of Pongeria in 1815 CE

The World Rankings in 1815 CE

Session 8 – Turns 189-199 (1815-1856 CE)

The final session of Pong-5 was short and plagued with technical difficulties as we had a number of disconnections and out-of-sync errors, but it culminated in a solid and unequivocal win by Joe’s Egypt. His invasion of Russia decimated the its capital and surrounding area, making it very easy for him to purge the Falkanist religion and easily convert them to the Egyptian religion of People with Animal Heads. With this achievement, his religion was now the majority in every civilization of the world, and the world unified in a weird theocracy of animal love. Joe won a religious victory. For details of his strategy and accomplishments, check out his Pong Report (forthcoming).
The World of Pongeria in 1856 CE 
on the eve of our religious unification

Final Thoughts

It was obvious to me as early as session 3 that Joe was very likely to win this one. His semi-isolated start and strong builder civ spelled trouble for the rest of us almost immediately. In some other version of this game, we may have actually threatened one another, and perhaps I could have done *something* to slow him somewhat, but France’s immediate declaration of war, refusal to trade, continual attacks, and unwillingness to offer any kind of settlement to end the war, locked us into an endless conflict from turn 13. No amount of discussion seemed to make a difference with him. With two neighbors, one a diplomatic partner and economic ally, and the other an irrational and heavily militarized warmonger, it was obvious what I had to do the entire game.
That said, I made a lot of minor tactical mistakes as Mongolia. I did a solid job with the economy and infrastructure this time, which was an improvement over previous games, but having never played Mongolia/Genghis before, I didn’t really understand the importance of Keshigs and Great Generals for moving units effectively. I also didn’t adequately scout France before I started sending raiders at him. A very large number of troops died probing French borders that didn’t have to, simply because he was so far from Mongolia and I didn’t know much about what I was up against. The raids were often profitable, but they also came at considerable costs. My later war weariness was pretty constantly -6 because of all the grieving widows.
Final thought on Mongolia? Raiding is extremely addictive and fun. Having a horde that moves *that* fast and can hit reasonably hard, almost anywhere, is really fun. It’s a civ that plays into my weaknesses, but I learned a lot and had a good time with them. Looking forward to Pong-6!

Turn Breakdown

Session 1

0- I rolled Genghis Khan of Mongolia as my civ.
Mongolia is a strange civ that plays very differently from my typical playstyle. I’m excited to learn how to take advantage of the cavalry and trade bonuses.
1- A coastal start with horses and a nice balance of food and production.

1- Settle Qaraqorum

3- We meet our first city-state, Vilnius, due west.

10- We subsequently meet two more city-states. Bandar Brunei and Preslev.
The “Venice of the East” is fun and makes my trading posts stronger.
Preslev is a military CS but since R&F it boosts loyalty +2 in cities with an encampment. That’s less exciting than the old cavalry bonus, but it may come in handy, especially if I conquer a bunch of foreign cities.

12- Discover Crater Lake up north.
It’s surrounded by tundra and gives a faith bonus, which isn’t going to help much.

14- We meet Chief Zach of France to the west and he immediately declares war on us!
He says that he is afraid of my trade posts (that grant military bonuses). I can’t say that I blame him, but at the same time, he immediately makes himself my enemy this way.

18- Barbarians arise in the Sand Peninsula

19- We meet Chief Joe of Egypt to the south.
I entreat with him and he warms up to me. We become friends and soon open borders both way.
His trade bonuses make him a wonderful ally for me, and there is a nice bay between us making our heartlands safely separate from one another. I am really hoping we can make this friendship work.

19- We meet yet another city-state, Babylon, to the southwest.

21- First promotion: Liang.
Tough choice, but I picked the Surveyor because I’m planning to expand rapidly, and I’m going to need the boosted builders.

22- Pantheon: Fertility Rites.
I seem to have a large space to grow so I’m hoping to expand rapidly. Fertility rites narrowly beat out the pasture bonus pantheons because I’m planning to focus on expansion.

24- Barbarian attacks

25- Government policies

26- We meet the AI civs of Korea and England.
Korea quickly begins to like us, but England dislikes us almost immediately.

26- We meet the AI civs of Korea and England.
Korea quickly begins to like us, but England dislikes us almost immediately.

30- We meet Chief Justin of Germany.
We share immediate fraternity over our shared dislike of France, but he speaks of worshiping strange gods of blood and violence. Not sure what to make of all this.

30- Find France

31- Government policies
Taking colonization. We worship fertility so it’s only appropriate.

31- Second promotion: Pingala
Civ fans obsess over Magnus (who was nerfed a few days later), but I am worried about my science production. If I’m going to grow rapidly, and I don’t have any mountains or science boosts, I’m going to need to pick up the slack somewhere. Hoping Pingala will help. (He was nerfed a little a few days later too: down to 15% from 20%).

32- Southern barbarians threaten Egypt
Chik-chik, our southern scout and explorer doesn’t last long. He died for our new Egyptian friendship.

35- Chief Victoria (AI) of England begins to hate me.
We’re on separate “continents.” This is not going to end well.

36- The Frankish War between Germany and France

41- The World enters the Classical Era

41- Adopt Oligarchy (+4 combat strength) and take new policies

41- Tried and failed to build the Temple of Artemis.
Several wonders have been built already by unknown civs, including Stonehenge, Hanging Gardens, and now Temple of Artemis.  

42- Policy update
I didn’t have as much room to expand as I anticipated so colonization isn’t helping. A general would though.

42- Up to 2 envoys already in a bunch of these city-states

43- England invades Korea as we found Hami in the Great Plain

44- Yup

46- Korean capital is in trouble

46- World Map at end of session 1 (1300 BCE)

46- World Rankings at end of session 1 (1300 BCE)

Session 2

46- Found Qaraqota on the coast of Crab Gulf

48- The capital of Korea falls to the English

52- France declares war on Germany! The Second Frankish War begins.

54- Become sovereign of Preslav thanks to quests – the first sovereign in the world!

54- Discover our third “continent” (the fourth in the world apparently)

58- France conquered Lyon and is moving on the German capital

60- Recruit a Great General – Boudica

60- Spend some envoys to take over Kabul and Babylon

60- The German capital, Aachen, falls to the French, and Zach is defeated

61- Third governor promotion, add Reyna to Hami to broaden our hold on the Great Plain

61- Policy update

62- England conquers a free Korean city (?)

62- The sacking of Calais: Chariots invade France

64- France (Zach) becomes sovereign of Bandar Brunei, who declares war on me

64- Our scouts discover French sworsdmen

64- Egypt founds an Egyptian religion focused mostly on tithes and reliquaries

68- Russia founds Falkanism

69- The horde descends and conquers Bandar Brunei as a lesson to other would-be rebels

71- News of the world: Sumer gets a religion, and England and Sumer declare a joint war on the evil warmonger France

73- Our trade expands into Egypt bringing us both riches

75- Our rides hunt in the north but are often killed for getting too near France

81- The Medieval Era begins and we have a golden age, choosing the district dedication since we just expanded

81- We get a Great Writer

81- Trade deal with England.
I’m more than happy to give her horses if she wants to make war on France

82- Buenos Aires aligns with the French and Preslav immediately begins assaulting it.
They don’t last long, and the Preslavs burn it down. Egypt will inevitably expand into the area now.

89- News of the world and shots of the South

89- World Map at end of session 2 (440 CE)

89- World Rankings at end of session 2 (440 CE)

Session 3

89- First great work of writing.
I’d forgotten that the palace has a wildcard slot for a great work. I could have created this 8 turns earlier.

90- Whatever this is supposed to mean.

91- The Northern Lights are pretty

92- Chuncheon joins France

94- Egypt gets Monarchy

96- We forward settle Iryai at the edge of our homeland.
Choosing the exact tile for this city was a difficult choice because there were so many good ones nearby, but in the end the defensive possibilities of this river junction felt too valuable to pass up.

97- Great General, El Cid, is born

102- The Horde descends on northern France.
The Riders of North Reach: We struggle to make much progress. Crossbows and knights are on defense and there are too many chokepoints to outmaneuver him. It takes over 10 turns to get a single horseman into the area, which is too long to be able to keep up technologically. We trade units here and there, and I am able to pillage a few tiles, but nothing of major importance happens. The loss of 4-5 horsemen begins to create a war weariness issue for me, so I begin to pull back. I cannot imagine what France’s war weariness looks like, but he simply refuses to offer tribute for peace. The pillaging is profitable but just barely, so we continue.

104- News of the world

105- Egypt goes Theocratic

110- An enemy spy steals our gold!

110- England joins the war against France.
Newly reincarnated Justin (Tel) had a bone to pick with France and wanted to revenge his loss in the Frankish wars. He has the strongest civ and military now so we’ll see how it goes.

110- World Map at end of session 3 (980 CE)

110- World Rankings at end of session 3 (980 CE)

Session 4

112- Egypt is slightly ahead in civics

113- The world enters the Renaissance Era
I end up with a Dark Age and, not anticipating much growth, decide to stick with trade (coins) as my dedication.

113- Egypt (Joe) and I form a research alliance
He later sends me this wonderful image of our trade relations. Alliances are *really* strong and *really* good in Civ6. This is a good change, and I like it a lot. It essentially forces you to be politically involved if you want to do well in the game. Good design.

113- Sumeria (Pete) declares war on Persia

114- Finally compose my second great work of writing

114- England and Australia become friends as our riders continue to raid the Northern Reach

116- News of the world and border skirmishes

116- Change government to Merchant Republic and update policies

116- Enemy spy steals 80 gold from Hami!

117- News of the world as raiders attack

118- The raid continues

118- French knights arrive.
While we take some losses, we plunder 4-5 tiles and a trade route, and half of the riders get away safely. Another successful raid.

123- Policy update

123- War weariness is beginning to be a minor issue. I am able to slow it through international trade for now.

124- Egypt converts the very young, Australian, Hindu holy city, causing a religious emergency.

124- Sumeria declares war on Russia.
What is happening in the north!? I can barely see these guys.

126- France joins us in becoming a Merchant Republic

126- England (Justin) makes peace with France (Zach).
He warned me that he was going to do this. His invasion with what was once the greatest military in the world appears to have been a near total failure. He sounds very demoralized and afraid of France now. I don’t blame him for making peace, but this will make things harder for me in Mongolia.

128- News of the world

130- News of the world as our new Caraval clears out northern sea pirates

131- Policy update

133- Finally build the government plaza
Not knowing what I was going to focus on, I didn’t build this, but as my encampments all come online and I increasingly focus on war, it seems like the Warlord’sThrone is going to be a good idea. The production bonus is considerable, and even if I am only able to use it 2-3 times, it seems stronger than the other options.

133- Governor promotion: grants.
I picked this because I have pretty solid great scientist and writer bonuses in my first two cities, and I’d love to boost my cultural output a bit. I never feel like my governor picks are optimal though. I still don’t really understand how best to use these guys.

134- We capture the French spy!
Yes. The stupid thief who was taking our gold is ours. He and his descendants will live for eternity in our dungeons now.

134- Another great writer and our third Great Work

135- Persia joins the war against Russia!

135- The board at the end of session 4

135- The world in 1440 CE

135- The world rankings in 1440 CE

Session 5

135- Meet Persia

136- News of the World

136- Fourth Great Work

138- France and Russia become friends

139- Discover Enlightenment and Policy Update

140- News of the World
The AI is in control of England again, at least for this session, and it seems that the AIs really like each other. England and Australia race to an alliance.

141- The Hindu Emergency ends with an Egyptian victory

144-5- Russia builds Mont St Michel, which is sure to piss off Egypt, but Egypt builds Casa de Contratación.

145- Loyalty issues fluctuate in Old Korea.

146- News of the World

146- The world enters the Renaissance Era.
I stick with trade because I’m not really focusing on anything in particular. This was a mistake. I should have stayed militarized and focused on war.

146- We get a Great Merchant and Toys!
This is great because I really needed amenities. My growth was maxed out and war weariness was a niggling problem.

146- It’s eerily quiet in the Gurgan Fields.

147- Sumeria makes peace with Russia.

149- Our first Great Work of Art

150- The French mobilize and invade, beginning the Gurgan Fields War.

152- The invaders push back all of our scouts, and easily eliminate the encampment of Iryai.

153- The conflict reaches our borders

154- The World in 1630 CE

154- World Rankings in 1630 CE

Session 6

154- Switched to Monarchy and added military policies
I need every advantage I can get, and this is going to help on defense a lot.

155- Justin (Tel) returned to control of England and immediately declared war on France again

155- The French invasion continues and West Point burns

157- West Point falls to the invaders

158- The French turn south

159- Iryai struggles to hold out and falls

160- News of the world

161- The French move on Hami

163- Many field guns begin to roll off production lines as some semblance of a defensive line is established.
We focus on killing melee units in the hope of preventing any further conquests.

166- The right (southern) flank is mostly defeated, narrowly halting the French advance

167- Victor, the Castellan, gets the much needed defensive boost: Garrison Commander!

167- Policy update

168- Send a spy to foment unrest in the occupied city of Iryai

169- English troops, including infantry(!), invade southern France

170- English troops spread out with no clear objective. City attacks are pummeling the invaders.
I have no idea what he was hoping to accomplish here. It still did a very good job of drawing heat off or our battle in the Gurgan Fields, but I honestly have no idea what his plan was here.

172- World Rankings in 1730 CE

172- World map in 1730 CE

Session 7

173- The Western Front

174- Mongolian troops move on West Point

175- France ceases their retreat. Battle is re-joined.

176- Egypt declares war on Russia!

177- News of the World: Persia becomes Fascist and Australia converts to People with Animal Heads

177- The world enters the Modern Era (French Dark Age – yeah!), and we dedicate ourselves To Arms.

178- News of the world and the Western Front

178- Spies accelerate the collapse of French loyalty in the occupied zone.
I decide to make him (Udati) a Guerrilla Leader. Hopefully this will come in handy in the late game.

180- Egypt finishes the Cristo Redentor

180- Australia tried taking Kabul from me, but I easily replaced their influence there

181- West Point throws off the French occupation as France and Sumeria form an alliance

182- Mongolian forces move to resume control of the West

182- Alliance Level 3 achieved with Egypt: This is big, we can now benefit from one another’s tech directly

182- West Point reclaimed

184- News of the world

184- Iryai reclaimed

185- News of the world

185- Mongolian troops explore the Northern Reach for the first time in centuries

188- Fighting in the Northern Reach (Egypt built Broadway)

188- Egypt and Sumeria become friends

188- My war weariness is getting bad again

189- Persia denouncing and expanding

189- The World in 1815 CE

189- The World Rankings in 1815 CE

Session 8

189- The Western Front

190- Spies stealing our gold

190- Cyrus hatin’ on us

190- Recruited great scientist Albert Einstein

190- Discover the barbarians are in possession of a battleship!

191- Expeditionary tank discovers France is trying to settle the arctic oil before being destroyed

192- Egypt finished the Eiffel Tower

193- Spy fomenting unrest.
I’d hope that this would be more effective than it really was. Spies alone aren’t enough to do much with loyalty.

193- Russia begins collapsing as Sumeria initiates another war with them

193- Spy steals one of my great works of literature

194- Our first great work of art

194- France settles Bordeaux next to the arctic oil

195- Everyone goes to war with Persia

195- More fighting in the north

195- Lost another great work of literature

196- Russia burns

196- Second great work of art

196- Spies try really hard to drive our influence out of Kabul, but we easily make amends with our beloved neighbor

198- Assassinated a French governor.
While he was able to replace him with another, it was having a noticeable effect on the city.

198- The falling Russia

199- The world in 1856 CE

>> Egypt (Joe) wins a religious victory



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