Pong 8: Nubia
Greetings, and welcome to Pong 8! This time around, my choices from the draft were Nubia, the Netherlands, and Sumeria. I waffled a bit between Nubia and the Netherlands, but ended up going with Nubia. Mostly because of their super-awesome Archers, which are stronger and get an extra move. That third point of movement allows them to move onto forests or hills and still take a shot, which is obscenely powerful if you use it right. The bonus to District production is nice. It's not something you really notice during the game, but it's a constant bonus you'll be using the whole time. I'm not too thrilled with Nubian Pyramids . They can only be built on deserts, which greatly limits where they can be. They take a shitty tile and make it less shitty if you have districts nearby. The tile yields never really get all that great, and the tile you build them on needs to be worked by a citizen, as opposed to a district that you could drop there and increase ad...