Pong 8: Arabia
In Pong 8 I chose Arabia. I wasn’t fond of any of my choices
this time around. I considered Zulu but did not want to be forced down a
domination path. I went in with a plan already. I was going to forgo focusing
on religion and make use of Arabia’s ability to automatically get a prophet and
rush to Mamluks. My plan would then be to expand via Mamluk rush either by
conquering player’s cities or city states. Unfortunately, my plan did not end
up working.
I begin focusing on getting to Mamluks. I am greeted very
early by India to the southeast who threatens me with two slingers and a
warrior after settling my second city of Sana’a. I laugh off the threat. I
decide he would be the target of my Mamluk rush. He’s very close so loyalty won’t
be an issue and if he declares a territorial war on me his units will benefit
and I don’t want that threat to my south.
I want to work on getting some promotions for my early units
and expanding northeast doesn’t seem like it will be too hard or upset anyone.
I send a few units. I am met by Scythia who has a significant military presence
in the area and decide it would not be wise to tire my units on Granada.
Scythia quickly moves in after I retreat and conquers
Granada. I am worried but I have a strong choke point. Later Scythia moves a
large number of his units across the isthmus and I ask him if he is simply
moving through. He tells me yes but promptly declares a war on me the next
turn. My plans to invade India will have to be put on the backburner. Nate
attacks from two fronts initially and I am unaware of just how big his army is.
After managing to hold out against Nate’s first few waves
the full gravity of this war reveals itself as Nate reveals an unbelievably
large army. My Mamluks had been doing exceptionally well to this point but Nate
realized I had little means to prevent him crossing the sea and flanking him.
He proceeds to embark an insane number of horsemen.
I rush to get some Galley’s up to sink his Horsemen while
they are embarked. With my Mamluks covering a lot of land his horseman only
have a few places to land and I try my best to cover those with archers or city
attacks. I am able to hold out and we make peace but it is not to last. I
realize quickly that he is still sending units across the sea and since we are
in a forced peace I have no means to prevent a potential flanking maneuver.
As soon as I can I preemptively declare war to prevent him
from building up a sizable force on my border with Georgia. My mamluks move out
and kill one or two horseman but he pulls back. Shortly after I realize he
really surrounded me this time. He’s got units coming from every direction. Luckily,
I was able to bolster my units with a few faith purchases.
I find he has levied Muscat’s forces and opened up another
front on my border with India. Despite this impressive force the worst news was
yet to come. Nate had secured an open borders agreement with india and had been
hiding a large number of horseman in Indian territory. He proceeds to plunder
all my trade routes leaving me with a treasury that was draining rather than
growing. I’m confident my fortress of Homs can hold his units but when the
units start being disbanded I will be a sitting duck. I quickly appeal to the
Nubians to the south for a temporary loan asking for just enough to keep me
afloat and maintain my military. He agrees. This was the beginning of a game
long relationship with the Nubian empire.
An unforeseen consequence of attacking Scythia preemptively
was pulling their mighty ally Georgia into the war. I am worried the game may
be over for me as Georgia has much more advanced technology and a sizable navy.
I buy him off with loans from the Nubians and focus on my defense.
Peace is obtained and finally I can focus on my
infrastructure. Nate keeping me on my toes has forced me into a situation where
I cannot settle anymore cities. Peace reigns briefly before I decide to try to
push my veteran units to attack an undefended Macedonian city to the southeast.
Regretably I didn’t take many
pictures of the conflict. I found out Macedon had been hiding a rather large
contingent of musketman corps in his nearby city and quickly I was forced to
fight defensively. After gaining advantageous terrain I was able to fight his
superior units to a stalemate and we agreed to end the war.
I look to the west and see Nubia
and Georgia building up forces. During this time me and india begin growing
close and Nubia, Arabia, and India decide to form what we call the IAC. By this
point I realize there is no way I will win and to repay my debt to Nubia I move
peace keepers in to buy him a turn or two in the coming war with Georgia. Some
turns later Macedon begins building up an army along their border with India and
invades. Suprisingly, India has built virtually NO military units all game so I
rush to try to help him defend. Unfortunately my Mamluks are no match for the
Infantry and bombard corps pouring into India and Agra is quickly conquered and
Macedon turned his guns toward Hatin.
I am finally able to get field cannons and I once again
assume the defensive position. After much jockeying and fighting I am able to
just barely hold my line. I find Macedon is eager to kill units so I occasionally
throw a unit up as bait to attract his infantry into the range of my upgraded
field cannons. This continues for quite awhile until Joe manages to buy Scythia
into the war thus crashing Zar’s entire economy. Zar manages to capture my
capital and razes a small city I had placed above Homs.
Macedon proves incapable of keeping the city of Agra as they
rebel and barbarian infantry fight his units back. He recaptures Agra and
decides to raze it. By this point the war in the west had begun to turn decisively
in the Nubians favor.
Eventually Joe arrives with his liberation forces and frees
my capital and pushes the Macedonian menace back.
This was the last session I was able to be apart of. Overall
I was really satisfied with how the game turned out. Despite me not having a
chance to win the game ever since the outbreak of the second Scythian war I
really enjoyed combat against Nate and playing an integral part in a diplomatic
coalition against Zar was also quite rewarding. I am looking forward to our
next session and excited to see who I get to play in that match.
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