Pong 11 - Game chat, part 2


The :crystal_ball:rb Mother realizes that clicking is difficult, and that hanging chads caused some discrepancies in the vote for Supreme World Leader last session. She does not hold this against you.
October 9, 2019

Horselover Fat


Horselover Fat

The eye muscles of Gilgamesh flex, shooting water outward at a pressure of 100,000 pascal. Cutting apart everything in front him. His tears borne from the need to break his alliance with Zandhi. For he had seen the monster that Zandhi had become. A really gross boney one, kind of like E.T., but longer. And so, utilizing the tear ducts of the nation we carved fighter jets and bombers from the Earth's ore, we dug mines THICC with uranium and readied ourselves for the war to come. Massive muscular automatons we call "Lifters", for they lift oppression, and really heavy stuff too. Though we do not fight alone, our muscle-bots were made possible by foreign funding (which remain unnamed so long as they desire). Still the world rolls under the boney knuckles of Zandhi's skinny jeans, which incidentally, are quite baggy on him. We destroyed one city for the betterment of mankind, struck into Delhi, and now await the eventual rebellion. However, the Lifters are coming soon, and they will help create a stable future for us, among the stars.


The dutch have committed themselves to improving the infrastructure of our great nation. The return of the former leader, Wilhelmina , was celebrated widely after she returned from an exile that was imposed upon her by a foreign backed coup attempt. The imposter government has ended and home rule restored. The celebration of her return was cut short by rising tides and catastrophes effecting the low lands of the empire. Dutch engineers rush to construct barriers to prevent the loss of more land. The people of the nation were so enthused by her return that they have decided to try a new form of government and crowning the resurgent Wilhelmina Queen of the Netherlands. Meanwhile, the Dutch are busy assessing and responding to foreign events. Through a series of fruitful negotiations the Dutch have agreed to recognize the French people as the true diplomatic leaders of our world. We believe the French will lead the world to an era of everlasting peace and prosperity. We also recently concluded a mutually beneficial treaty with the futuristic nation of Indonesia. Agreeing to no longer intervene in their technological pursuits in exchange for a large sum of gold.
October 17, 2019


Session 8 Begins: Turn 206, 1870 AD
Beware the Indonesians. Soon they will be a nuclear power.


The end has come:
So many have died.


Do not drag our Oscar-Meyer friends into your wars!


1894 AD: The Cree have gone to war with the Dutch!



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