Pong 9: Gamechat
Pong 9
Players and Civilizations:
Nate: Spain
Joe: Inca
Pete: Maori
Tel: Zulu
Zar: Canada
Darren: France (Eleanor)
Horse: Phoenicia
Spanarkel: English (Victoria)
Game Chat - (all speech is done in character)
Game Settings:
* Mulligan until Turn 10 (may request any number of restarts)
* Draft leader from 3 random and 1 Gathering Storm "flop" (Each player assigned 3 random and 1 GS civ, player chooses one)
* No AIs civs
* All players and AIs default to Emperor difficulty (so AIs play reasonably well if human absent)
* Players may use a lower difficulty if desired (note only lvls 1-3 help humans in MP)
* Quick Online speed (I screwed up the setup, sorry.)
* Standard Continents map
* Standard Sea Level
* Timer: begins 140 seconds in first session and increases 20 seconds per session.
Session 1 begins: Turn 1 - 4000 BC
I am Chief Natlip II of Spain. We are a humble people of mysticism and contemplation who dwell amongst the reeds of the Guadalquivar River at the base of sacred Mt. Cordilleras. We broker no arrogance and expect all peoples to deal with us fairly and speak plainly. To those who respect us, we hope to make friends and share our wise discoveries with you.
The peaceful prehistory of the world was shattered, as Phoenicia declares war on France in 2080 BC.
Rumor has it that Canada declared war on the Zulu in 1150 BC.
Tremble before me, mortals, for I am Pachajoey, Son of the Sun, He Who Shakes the World.
From our mountaintop fortresses in the Andes and the Waywash Walla, we look down on the "others." The rest of mankind.
The mountains are ours. The hilly valleys between them are ours. They were given to us by the Sun. Do not tread there. These places are not for you.
We are a stoic, hearty people, that seek only to be left alone to our meditation.
Indeed the Zulus would not accept our generous friendship and denounced us. THen placed troops on our border. It was our only choice
Horselover Fat
The French were given fair warning, but still decided to forward settle directly on our borders.
Bonjur le Mond! I am Darreonor, leader of France and overseer of the Court of Love. We are a passionate people who seek to spread our love and goodwill to all the world. Even as we explore past the majestic Puy de Dome, its awe-inspiring eruption served as a sign that our hearts beat as one with the earth itself.
Though we wish peace and good fortune on all whose hearts are pure, we are no pushovers, and will defend ourselves with righteous fury.
Our Phoenician neighbors, who once approached us with peace in their hearts, now strike maliciously at our travelers, claiming they provided us "fair" warning not to settle nearby. But by what right do they claim these lands as theirs? It was by the passion and blood of French warriors that those very lands were made safe from barbarian brutes. Therefore, we make the stronger claim.
Nevertheless, we love even those who assault us, and wish that the Phoenicians will one day join us again in peace.
Meanwhile, eastward beyond the great tundra, we have found allies in the courteous Incans. We are intrigued by these and other voices from afar and seek opportunities for trade and enlightenment.
Hello to all from the frozen plains of Canada! We wish the best for all people of the world! But as you may have heard by now, we will not tolerate aggression and bullying!
When our scouts met the Zulu people they were intrigued by the curious Southerners. Though our settlements were nearby, we did not fear or wish harm to them. In fact we offered them a friendship and sought to work together to make reasonable borders for both nations.
Not only did they reject our Goodwill, but they broke our treaty by encroaching on the northern lands. To add insult to injury Zulu troops began stationing around our cities and brought official news of their distaste for the Canadian empire.
What could be done? With our superior mining supply line and technology, we decided it wise to run the Southerners away. With arrow and blade we pushed them back to their cities, and now have a clear advantage. Hopefully peace will return to the region soon, but the Zulus must pay for their transgressions.
Nate pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.
February 15, 2019
Canada speaks lies! They are not to be trusted! One moment they decry us for settling in our own territory the next they encroach upon our territory and assault us when we merely expressed our distaste at their actions!
The savage Canadians cut our spears in half with their strange sharp triangles and killed many of our people!
It is I KuPTe of the Maori people. After sailing the great Ocean our people settled on what we thought was to be a peaceful secluded island, only to find friends in with Spain in the East. Now as our settlers setup cities on this continent, we find it already crowded as the northerners go to war. I will send my people back to the sea to settle away from the violence above us and the desert below. We do not wish to feel boxed in, only to explore and enjoy the warm ocean air
February 16, 2019
Horselover Fat
My heartfelt greetings to the great leaders of the world and their people. I Horsedido Fat am the leader of Sexy Fine-icia. It is the way of my people to find the most romantic beaches and procreate. We hope that you will join us in our festivals of fertility. Enjoying the warm night air, the sand between your toes and the arms of many lovers.
To the south of our capital is the great volcano, spewing it's hot moist magma into the mouth of the ocean since the conception of our people. Legend says it was this very intercourse which birthed us. Allowing us to spread our seed along the coastline.
I understand the reason for France to desire these lands. However, when our messengers brought them gifts so that we may become friends, perhaps even friends with benefits. They rejected us. Then from distant lands they approached the stiff hard base of the volcano, speaking plainly we told them there were consequences to taking this land.
They do not have the romance of the volcano, and so their people do not grow. I believe they will join Sexy Fine-icia, as my people seduce them from all sides, the sight of our traditional beach orgies is too alluring. They will be loyal to us soon like all of our beach resorts in the homeland of the volcano. Then we may truly become friends with benefits.
To all I extend my peace, tall and erect like the monument. Looking for friendship, and maybe more. ;)
Horselover Fat
In a moment of passion let it be known that I Horsedido Fat
will forever be known henceforth as Horselover Dido. My people are very open to experimentation. You may call me by either name of your choosing however, if it pleases you. I aim to bring pleasure to all. ;)
The Zulu wish peace with this “Horsedido” however we intend to stay as far from this sacred volcano and mysterious beachhead as possible.
February 17, 2019
The Fine-icians are a strange lot indeed, speaking honeyed words that do not match their actions. No such gifts were ever offered to us, only a request to declare friendship, which we politely declined, not knowing yet the character of these unusual people. They persist in maintaining the view that they have some claim over the volcanic midland, and that their warning not to settle it was somehow justified, despite it being made safe for settlement by our warriors' victories against unruly barbarians that previously plagued the lands.
If the Fine-icians truly wish love, peace, and friendship, then perhaps they will begin by ceasing to assault our settlement. Until then, our warriors will defend the land we rightfully settled with passion and blood. We will say no more on this matter.
February 21, 2019
The Inca pray that the lower children of the world, those born of and bound to the mud, realize the foolishness and futility of violence. The children of the sun cluck their tongues from their lofty mountains.
Session 2 begins: Turn 43 - 850 BC
Horselover Fat
Dido extends her phallic hand in peace to Eleanor. Though the great volcano will eventually be mine.
Let it be known that Eleanor wishes not to make peace.
Indeed we do not. An aggressor stakes claim on territory that we rightfully cleared of barbarians, demanding that we leave it to them to settle. They then embark on a full scale war against us, which, when they begin rapidly losing, demand peace, offering us nothing in return. If Phoenicia wishes the war they started to end, they must do so to our satisfaction.
Horselover Fat
Hmm, it seems that Eleanor is under a sway of delusions. So be it, I must break the hymen and bring blood from the virgin.
Rumor has it that the Zulu have invaded Maori in 50 BC.
The outlawing of Pongitaism fills the Spanish with a profound sadness and confusion.
The Spanish people are being murdered all around the world for their humble views.
Martyrs to the end.
Horselover Fat
Bordeaux has fallen beneath the heat of the volcano, and shall live under a new name, as a vessel of Horselover Dido. Let it be known that we are attempting peaceful relations and will not continue our conquest as long as they cede.
Let it be known to all that the English and Canadians of the north have declared friendship
Horselover Fat
They rejected our peace once again
The Phoenicians have proven themselves bullies since the beginning of time. Our military may be defeated, but we will under no conditions cede a city that we rightfully settled. Bloodied and humiliated though we may be, we would sooner die than betray our moral principles.
Horselover Fat
Then the conquest shall continue.
Horselover Fat
Fair greetings to the Maori, I hope that we may continue in friendship for time foreseeable. Kupe you are a fine specimen indeed....
Horselover Fat
Peace is upon us! Praise the Moist Crab god of the volcano!
The Zulu have demanded our cities but the people will never follow their rule
The Maori are foolish. They stand by as wave after wave of their soldiers are slaughtered and their women and children burn alongside their small villages.
The Zulu offered the Maori a way to escape the slaughter. They refuse all to maintain the pride of their leader who hides away on the waves.
Spoken like a warlord burning cities and what stops your greed for land after we surrender
It is you who is greedy! watching your people burn and your soldiers die all for what?
Also spoken like a man who cannot swim
How many of your soldiers died taking and burning our cities
We have lost a total of nine soldiers.
Many many fewer than you. Your warriors are incompetent and haven't yet learned the value of working in formation!
We are endless. We are legion.
We will burn every last city of yours if we must. Your pride shall be the death of you and your people!

See there is the real face of your people

Our holy book tells us you are evil! Pongitaism teaches you are unholy!
And whose cities will you burn next, those who cannot move away
You are a liar! we have heard from other nations of your broken promises!
Your people are soft and our spears easily carry their bodies away!
When do you decide to control the foundation of Pongitaism

Our people have read the texts!

May your people drown following us into the sea
Run as you always have fool! We will hunt you to the last man!
It seems pride and passion make for ill bedfellows. What do morals matter in a world where might makes right? At war since virtually the beginning of time, the French never saw their grand, hopeful plans come to fruition. With our city lost and our people decimated, we see no point in continuing this charade any longer. We pass on, hoping that the madness of this world will somehow make sense to those who continue to struggle in.
I concede
Horselover Fat
I am sorry for the blood shed. May the future bring synchronised climax, and we hope that you have learned the mistakes of being a selfish lover and settling the border of our city.
The Spaniards have even expressed their discontent for your people foul Maori!
Pongita whispers the name Darreonor and the Spanish weep, not understanding why.
The English northerners finally reached the new continent of Africa eager to settle the new world only to find a land full of war. Perhaps they shall stick with the peace they find on Asiamerica
Horselover Fat
Horselover Dido sees your archers and is welcoming of peace. Wishing to trade in all forms of aphrodisiac and services. The continent of Africa is now at peace.
Canadians across the lands rejoice as our insatiable lust for sweets is encouraged by the world community
The Inca sold Fine-icia iron for Diplomatic Favor. We thought we were evening the playing field, since France had their own. We never meant for the Court of Love to be conquered.
This changes things greatly on the continent of Austrafrica. Will the children of the sun remain cloistered in their mountains?
It would appear war has foreign backers even in the distant lands.
Horselover Fat
Fine-icia only took the one city beneath the volcano, we did not conquer the Court of Love, just one very small city that did not adhere to our warnings.
The medieval age propelled Canada into an era of growth and peace. After a favorable peace deal with the Zulus, our citizens were able to focus on improving our outdated infrastructure and settling new cities behind the great ring of mountains.
In what is now known as the Canadian Golden Syrup age, our people, once hardened from war became content and fattened themselves on sweet delicacies from the capital. They reproduced and populated the lands with the largest cities known on our continent. Our sprawling cities have also become famous meeting places for some of the greatest writers, merchants and scientists in the world.
February 22, 2019
The Inca spent the classical age observing the war between the Fine-icians and the French from their vantage point in the heavens. Tut-tutting from their majestic peaks, they prayed to the sun and the Tortoi for the two mud-peoples to find peace.
When Fine-icia offered peace and England declined, Horselover Dido came to the Inca, seeking the iron mined from our great mountains. The sun told us to grant their request, to help maintain the balance among the mud-peoples. It pained us to see one side gain the upper hand and begin the conquest of the other. We cannot help but feel responsible.
Watching the battles, the death and destruction they brought, the Inca looked within. They found strength in their faith, and vowed to fervently defend their mountains from any invasion. They built grand universities in the mountains, and invited scholars from Palenque, Hattusa, and Geneva to study and teach there.
They continued to build wonders, hidden in valleys, and even some on the mountains themselves.
With the fall of England, there is a vast amount of land for Fine-icia, the Maori, and the Inca to split. Will they be able to live in peace? Or will Hordedido's passions lead to another war?
The coasts and plains are theirs to do with as they please, so long as they give the mountains a wide berth.
Horselover Fat
Though Horsedido does enjoy a good mud wrestle. We do not like being referred to as mud people. But imagine this is simply a difference in cultural foreplay and will let it slide, like a massaged body on oil.
I truly wish for peace, and for our differences to be resolved in the same warm manner as the bonobo. Rather than in the cold of iron.
We understand your love for the mountains, they are erect and strong, and we leave them to you. I am grateful for your understanding that the coast is the home of our people, where we have our swinging parties, on none but the finest beaches and will not encroach on your borders. Please notify us if you believe we are procreating too close to your cities. We do not wish for war, and are deeply saddened that we were forced to show such a side to us.
The Maori people graciously accept and have settled on the coast near Geneva, we wish open trade and borders as we carry on our culture from the land of the east/west. We will try to rebuild as great as our cities once we're before the treacherous Zulu had to burn a people to the ground who would not accept their rule
The English people , often confused for the conquered French, grow more and more curious by the aphrodisiac civilizations of the African continent. The decision between holding keep in Wakanda with our books or taking advantage of England’s colonization in these foreign, foreign lands will be a tough one.
We maintain our stance on wanting nothing but peace and have no intentions on warmongering with GDRs
The Spanish contemplate with wonder the profound achievements of foreign peoples. The world appears to move quickly around them. Pongita guides us too little. Where once Madrid stood as the pinnacle of human greatness, now it is just one of many metropolises and not even close to the most advanced. War surrounds us. We prepared defenses for surprise attacks that never came, and now it seems that we are merely medieval. Strong in our culture and our faith, we aspire to match the augustness of our fellow great Asiamericans.
Session 3 begins: Turn 82 - 940 AD
Horselover Fat
Without warning or provocation, the English have declared war on the Fine-icians.
The English kick themselves as they thought their archers could capture the free settlers on open sea.
While advanced in some technologies, not the brightest
Still not the French however
The French, under new leadership, have declined to extend the friendship our peoples have enjoyed since our first meeting.
The foolish Maori have fled their homelands and left the spoils to the mighty Zulu!
Their warriors devoid of any kind of courage left their lands unprotected
Our people will never live under your rule you will have to burn it all
We burn them no more. They have happily accepted Zulu rule in Te Hokianga
Accepted in chains, more likely
Be proud! The people of Opango continue their resistance.
Tell me cowardly Maori, will you accept peace ? we will let your puny people skitter across the sea but this land is Zulu!
To Spain we wish you well with your "new" peaceful neighbors
The Zulu and the Spanish share a special bond! we are brothers in belief
The Incans welcome the Maori refugees to Austrafrica. So long as they avoid the mountains and share the shores with Fine-icia peacefully, they have nothing to fear from us.
Fine-icians appear to have forgive the English for their foolish actions
Horselover Fat
This is true, we were confused about your declaration of war. Perhaps you were trying to steal our seductive settlers? Whatever the problem, we are happy to once again have peace.
Lust blinded us
Horselover Fat
Horsedido extends herself, like liquid syrup into all orifices of Canada, in the most friendly way possible, and if consenting of course.
Let it be known that the Zulu pretend to offer peace only to extort those people who already fled their butchering
Horselover Fat
Finest greetings to all of Asiaamerica, I hope that are people may prosper through peace together.
Let it be known the Maori is the most foolish peasant upon this planet. His people suffer so and have lost their entire homeland. They have been forced to flee across the sea to an unknown land all because their "leader" puts his pride before the well being of his people.
Says the slaughter to the lamb
Both the people of Spain and Canada agreed the removal of the Maori was the best.
Be quiet little lamb and I will take care of you
The sacrifice so the farmer doesn't have to offer up one of his children?
How long till they taste the blade?
Do the Zulu speak for you, Spain?
The spanish in fact helped financed the conquest if it must be known
So the Priests of Pongita are not untarnished
You see, let the world know the Zulu are no monsters. We are no war mongers. We are a mercenary people. The foul Maori breached a contract they had forged with the people of Spain. We were approached with an inquiry. We took it upon ourselves to carry out justice where we saw fit but we received payment from the Spaniards during our conflict!
The Zulu exaggerate. They asked if we would interfere and we said no. They asked if we would resist, and we said no. We did not initiate or finance their efforts, but when it became clear who would win, the Spanish indeed declared with the Zulu. This is public knowledge, all of it.
Spain hides the truth.
The Zulus are ancient allies and friends of the Spanish. The Maori tried, but failed to reach such a place with our people when they could not honor their agreements. This is no secret.
We were contacted directly by a courier asking our willingness to participate in a conflict should one arise.
We are indeed ancient allies and we hated to see our ally bullied by the Maori menace.
The Spanish will not miss the lying Maori. The Zulu are an honorable, if impulsive people. They serve the Lady Goddess the best they can. Spain considers them friends.
And furthermore, Spain declares its military alliance with Canada. The peace-loving people of Asiamerica hopes that this treaty will encourage others to follow the English example, and hurt foreigners, rather than the pure races of Asiamerica.
World Congress Session Next Turn
Horselover Fat
Oh Maori you are quick to settle the Giants Causeway, I wish you good luck, your settlers arrived a moment before mine were due to start pounding each other like rabbits.
A Special Session has convened
What sort of disaster has afllicted Canada? And which gods did you anger to deserve it?
Horselover Fat
Though I am tempted to take your settler Kupe, I shall leave it for now. So that in the future you will remember my goodwill, and if needing of a rimjob, you will supply in kind.
We were struck by a devastating flood. Please send help!
The Inca could only assume that the Canadians did something to deserve their woes. We will not participate in the aid.
Horselover Fat
We are givers, we aim to please, so we will send you aid.... Seeing how wet you are and all....
I see the "other" stories of sea faring coast people are not exaggerated
The Canadians are not to be trusted! one moment they offer to join in our war the next they point their weapons upon their ally!
Maybe if you hadn't demanded extortion rates for peace, we would have accepted peace and now your cities would not be under attack
100 gold is hardly extortion
We even offered an equal peace demanding nothing
But it appears the Maori are unable to read... a shame.. perhaps that is why their lands were conquered
The Zulu are hardly an unreasonable people.
15 for 30 is not 100?
Perhaps when Canadian people run your cities, your view may change
Who voted to embargo the Inca's good friends, the Fine-icians?
Horselover Fat
That would be Spain I believe. We will not forget this, we will roleplay it in our BDSM dungeons, a fate for you Spain, if you should ever cross us again.
No offense intended, Lady Godildo. It was a failed attempt to deflect the embargo efforts against our friend and the great king of Asiamerica, Zarilfred of Canada.
March 1, 2019
Humble Spain, chosen shepherd of Lady Pongita’s Great Wat, praises the English for their humility and prudence. As the newest convert to the True Faith, they have joined their Asiamerican brothers and sisters in unity. May the faith preserve us all and create a lasting peace in our realm.
Pongita be praised!
The Zulu nation has completed its conquest of the foul and backward Maori nation. Though the remainder of their people fled across the mysterious waves they no longer pose a threat to the people of Asiamerica.
The great chief Shaka contacted the Canadian king toward the end of the conquests of the Maori inquiring about a possible joint conquest of the remaining Maori territories. The Canadian king agreed so long as the Zulu nation allowed them to settle a new colony, Calgary. This was agreeable. We also offered up a city to the Canadians.
The Canadians however were too slow and Shaka’s Impi corps reached the city before Canada could even mobilize. This angered the Canadian dictator who promptly conspired with the foul Maori to declare an emergency declaration of war against Zululand.
The world should know the Canadians are not to be trusted. They are an opportunistic bunch. Readily throwing away decades of friendship and alliance to further their own aims.
The Maori watch from the waves and cheer on the Canadian people who have come to claim the lands that the Zulu have stolen from us. May they build hockey rinks over are razed cities
Horselover Fat
Fine-icia chooses to forgive the English, as is the way of our people, we invite them to join us in anonymous beach orgies to share fertility and the moist juices of the volcano. Let the sea carry the English and Fine-ician seamen to ever greater fruitfulness, spreading seed across the world.
We look forward to sailing the vast oceans with the Fine-icians while worshiping Pongita now that England has completed our canal. We have opened a new world for our advanced navy to explore and oversee.
Not so sure about the seed spreading however but are open to the Fine-icians unique view of the world
As always, the Inca watch the lower-people from their lofty heights. The Fine-icians and the French appear to have reached a ceasefire, but between their losses in battle and the abdication of their monarch, the French are a broken people, doomed to inhabit the southern tundras of Austrafrica. They have little to trade, and do not seem interested in friendship with our people, despite centuries of good relations and fair dealing. Perhaps they blame the Incan iron the Fine-icians wielded during the fall of Broken Hymen. We cannot say.
The Maori slowly expand on the eastern shore, and the Fine-icians have covered the entirety of the western one. This is fine. This is good. The coasts and the seas are theirs. All people have a place.
Our people are content to build upward, not outward. The mountains that protect our people also sustain them, as Incan farming and mining continue to advance and draw great bounties from the rocky crags.
We do not know what to make of the strange people of Asiamerica, and their false god Pongita. If the birthplace of the faith is any indication, its tenets lead only to anti-intellectualism and cultural-clodism. Still, we have no quarrels with the people of this new continent.
The Inca strive to continue on in the spirit of the Tortoi, practicing self-defense, wisdom, isolationism, and neutrality, but the world grows smaller every day. Traders, envoys, and diplomats have volunteered to leave the safety of our mountains to acquire strange new luxuries from distant shores, and to represent Incan interests in the World Congress.
We are open to trade and negotiate favors with all people, so long as it serves Incan interests.
The Inca are very interested to see if the Canadians will truly liberate the Maori cities, should they prevail in the distant war. The Maori have been nothing but friendly to the Inca.
The Spanish position on this war is crystal clear. War is bad for Asiamerica when our true opponents are the enemies of our faith overseas. We love the Canadian people and are their true ally but we do not agree with this aggression. It destabilizes our continent, disrupts the balance of power between great peoples and undermines our future. I told Canada this. I told Zulu this. Similarly, we will NOT take up arms against our northern brothers. The Zulu are our friends, but our participation will only escalate problems and amplify the chaos in our home.
Though the Golden Syrup age has ended, Canadians continue to live the sweet life in northern Asiamerica. Our explorers have circled the earth and found new trading partners with whom to share our sugar-laden treats. The syrup flowing from our capital's floodplains has even inspired great artists to fill our newly constructed museums with tributes to its sticky sweetness.
While everything at home seems as easy as pie, our foreign relations have been merely bittersweet. As our people adopted the one true faith, we found a great ally in the Spanish. Conversely, relations have soured with our previous ally, the Zulu. Though we once sought peace with the primitive mercenaries, we could not stand by and watch them murder the Maori any longer. Just as the world came to our aid when our floodplains overflowed, we must also help those in trouble.
Thus our assault on the Zulu began. Despite our great technological gap, the difficult terrain and many Zulu ikandas have slowed our progress, as if our troops were wading through molasses. However, we are determined to liberate the Maori capital and bring balance back to Asiamerica.
A dark age looms on the horizon for the Inca. Some say that our technological advancements have outpaced our people's ability to integrate them into society. We turn inward, focusing on our faith in the Tortoi.
March 6, 2019
March 7, 2019
Game chat continues in https://pongreport.blogspot.com/2019/05/pong-9-gamechat-ii.html
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