
Showing posts from June, 2019

Pong 10 - Gamechat

Pong 10  <><><><><><><><><> Players and Civilizations:  Nate: China Joe: Zulu Nico (Pete): Phoenicia Zar: Netherlands Darren: Inca Horse: Russia Spanarkel: Macedon <><><><><><><><><>

Pong 10: China

Summary My report for Pong 10 is going to be very brief. In short, I had a bad start and made speculative choices that turned out very poorly, mostly due to bad luck. As a result, I never really established myself, fell behind quickly, and was dominated and then mostly wiped out. The game was interesting and fun, but I constantly struggled and barely survived to the end. Two crucial mistakes were made in the very first session. First I decided to rush religion via Stonehenge when I discovered stone in my capital. This was a colossal mistake because it blocked one of the only grassland regions near the city, essentially prevented the city from growing, and the city continually starved at a paltry 4 population until the Industrial Era. Terrible. The second mistake was really just bad luck. My opening exploration was west, south, and east. Unfortunately just two or three turns after turn 10 passed (and the chance to mulligan), Netherlands (Zar) and I discovered each other and tha...