Pong 11 - Gamechat
Pong 11
Pong 11: Draft
Player numbers (in order joined):
1- Nate, 2- Joe, 3- Pete, 4- Tel, 5- Zar, 6- Darren, 7- Horse, 8- Spanarkel
Player 1 Cree Cree Mapuche Mapuche Māori Māori
Player 2 Korean Korean Nubia Nubia French French
Player 3 Swedish Swedish Aztec Aztec Egyptian Egyptian
Player 4 Khmer Khmer Russian Russian Dutch Dutch
Player 5 Indian Indian Zulu Zulu Poland Poland
Player 6 Phoenician Phoenician Persia Persia Incan Incan
Player 7 Hungarian Hungarian Sumerian Sumerian Australia Australia
Player 8 English English Macedonian Macedonian Indonesia Indonesia
Nate - Cree
Joe - French
Pete - Egypt
Tel - Dutch
Zar - India
Darren - Phoenicia
Horse - Sumer
Spanarkel - Indonesia
Map: Seven Seas wins the vote and will be the map for Pong 11.
Game Chat
Session 1 Begins: Turn 1, 4000 BC
The cree are a warlike people and are not to be trusted!
The savages attacked our people on sight!
We met and expressed our interest in friendship and were presently attacked !
The Dutch make empty promises of peace but immediately come with demands, claims of rights, and threats. We are merely protecting ourselves from their poisonous words. The Cree will NOT be intimidated by warlike peoples.
Lies! We offered peace and we were presented with a demand! We were told to move our watchmen or they would attack!
The Cree are a warlike people!
The Dutch will not be intimidated by demands or ultimatums made by miniature autocrats !
The Orbmother oversees the Good Vibes of the French people, and wishes nothing more than to unlock the power of love and unite all of the peoples of the world in everlasting peace.
Turn to the orbs. Believe.
The Indonesian people want it known that we could not be anymore confused by the mysterious orb loving people of France
The Cree are a soft-spoken people who dwell in the northern river valleys. A carefree people stricken with wanderlust, we adore travel and seek to be familiar with all peoples. Open your markets to us, and we shall bring treasures from afar.
The Cree are plagued with pirates from the western islands. A terrible, dark place, we hope none of you are forced to ever experience.
The Orbmother pleads with the Nether-Cree to put aside their differences and realize they are one people, and loved by the Orbs.
What a strange and magnificent place this world is. We, the water-loving Phoenicians, seek to claim what is rightfully ours - the sea. We promise friendship to those who respect our free spirit, and doom to any who would constrain us. For those agreeable to mutual benefit, we have a large surplus of cotton available to trade.
Horselover Fat
Do not be frightened of Muscle-Science, for we wish only to live in peace. Studying the ways of big gains in our high altitude training campuses, bench pressing huge texts made from stone tablets, high fives are our customary greeting. Our scholarly people adorn themselves in the traditional dress, a support belt for squating, a reminder that friends don't let friends skip leg day.
Let Muscle-Science be a friend to you, let us spot each other, we Sumerians invented numbers for counting reps, then later algebra for calculating gains. We devised engineering solutions to create intricate machine weights and the ingenious pull-up bar.
Us Muscle-scientists wish to join you as friends, as allies, as bros. Always remember, cardio kills gains.
The Dutch have heard nothing of these muscle-scientists however are intrigued by their words.
August 3, 2019
Namaste to all from India. Originating in the high jungles, our empire initially grew in isolation. However, this peaceful lifestyle did not last long when our scouts discovered crazed foreign donkeys pulling contraptions full of muscle bound warriors.
Fearing these hardbodied brutes, we began to worship the god of war: a half man, half elephant wielding ivory swords and crushing his foes underfoot. Our rapid military deployment was enough to deter our greased and rippled neighbors, and they returned to their protein farms without a fight.
Now that security has returned to the region, our people's goals are divided. There are those who still follow the elephant god and have trained the wild beasts in the jungles as instruments of war. On the other hand, many are content to develop in isolation and reserve use of the holy pachyderms for religious and cultural purposes. Though our path is uncertain, the future looks bright for India.
Session 2 Begins: Turn 68, 320 BC
Give NotYourCow a chance
The misunderstanding between the Dutch and Cree peoples ended with few deaths. A productive peace was establishing and relations between the two northern peoples have been normalized. Trade grows.
Poundmayronis is proud to know many great peoples, and as our expansive trade network extends across much of the known world, we welcome you all to the markets of Cree. Try the grilled corn. It's a simple life, but we like it just fine.
Horselover Fat
Extending high fives of peace in all directions, we Gilgafriendshipped with all of our known neighbours. Encouraging the trade of choco-protein powder across the known world. We have customers in India, Indonesia and of course among the Orb People. Now a word from our sponsor:
After our friendship was declared with all, Unethical Elephant Tourism took hold among our people. The muscular strength, and the keen wisdom of the elephants nature was beguiling, our people could not resist such a display of evolutionary prowess. A facial appendage used for lifting? Surely these creatures are a symbol of God. Only with the realisation that muscle science is more than muscle science, it is a way of life. Planking in meditation we contemplated the nature of the universe, how big could a muscle truly be? How tight the abs? Are the lights in the night sky muscles that are just really really really far away? Is the sun a muscle? Only muscle science can teach us the answer, through empirical evidence, it is no coincidence that big reps are the key to muscle science, the scientific method finds evidence via repetition.
Greetings to all from the Netherlands! We are a people who wish peace and above all prosperity to everyone we meet! Following a brief skirmish with the mountainous Cree people of the Southwest we redoubled our efforts on educating our populace and shifted our military resources to putting an end to the annual barbarian raids from the far north.
Our daring explorers have recently discovered the ends of the world known as the land of India. Our advanced cartographers have reason to believe no land exists south of the mythical land of India.
In more recent news our scholars have begun work on a new premier weapon we are calling the boomstick which we hope to use against the barbarian hordes of the far north.
Our friends in Egypt have been busy spreading their good word to our people.
Dutch traders tell tales of a hapless drunk who tried to roam south of India and fell off the earth into the great abyss
August 7, 2019
The Phoenicians drunkenly bask in the glow of a golden age, having developed a wonderous concoction known as "rum" from the fermentation of our vast sugar supply. Spurred on by our inebriated stupor, we revel day after day, enjoying countless luxuries and exorbitant wealth from our booming trade network. With abundance around every corner, our people have flourished, multiplying rapidly around the inland Levantine Sea, as well as spreading eastward across the Bay of Beirut toward the Mediterranean, discovering the stunning network of hot springs we call Pamukkale along the way.
Though the masses of Phoenicia enjoy the luxuries of our sprawling civilization, a dedicated number among us partakes in abstinence, turning their energies toward great construction projects and military discipline.

August 20, 2019
Horselover Fat
Gilgafriendship means that religion has no place in war, if you wish to be on the correct side of history, vote for increased faith military costs.
The Cree are swayed by his Swoleness and vote accordingly.
The Medieval Era saw France burning the candle at both ends, and it flew by far too quickly. The
rbs descend into a dark age.
Bad Vibes flow through our chakras.
Phoenician sugar production is through the roof! Our people have become wild addicts, developing a sweet tooth unseen yet in history. Spurred on by their wild sugar highs, they furiously focus on new projects. How long can this energy last before an inevitable crash ensues???
Mount Tambora erupts destroying the Cree holy places! Many die.
The Cree yearn for cows! 
Friends! Vote for the Cree! She wishes to be the trade center of the world. Join us in making the world a more profitable place.
We will vote for your religion!
The people of the
rb support the Cree as trademasters.
They have been nothing but forthright in our trade and diplomacy
Indonesia too supports the Cree in trade
Horselover Fat
Gilgafriendship is hard to come by, if you wish to be on the correct side of history, vote for your Gilgafriend.
Is anyone actively spreading their religion?
Jong Dong remains within our lands
The Cree thank the kind peoples of the world for their trade votes.
Horselover Fat
India grows in power, I am his closest neighbour, and although we are allies, I fear for the future that fast approaches. Support Gilgafriendship, to hold back the tide of Zandhi.
India has no plans to harm our allies, and wishes only for peace and elephant tourism around the globe
We have found India to be a savvy and generous deal-maker
Those black stains are what remains of the Cree sacred shrines, The Tamborine.
August 21, 2019
Though we fell into a normal age, the Renaissance era has been fruitful for India. We continue to worship the Great Pachyderms and our religion has spread throughout our vast empire. However, there are many foreigners who refuse to acknowledge the power of the elephant and seek to eradicate Unethical Elephant Tourism from the world. Apparently things like 'morals' and 'respect' are more important to them than witnessing these spectacular beasts. Despite their disapproval, we Indians know the true potential of our national animal and will decide the proper ways to treat them.
In fact elephants have been incorporated into every aspect of Indian society: beautiful ivory sculptures fill our museums, our traders and warriors mount them for transport, and the toughest of beasts power the sawmills of our industrial zones.
We hope for a peaceful world where all will be united under the giant flaps of elephant ears, and are actively seeking alliances with those who share our vision.
As the Renaissance Era begins, the Cree are awakening to civilization. For thousands of years the Cree wandered the northern reaches of the world, bringing trade, road, and adventure to every land and people they encountered, but as time passes, the Cree settle down. Districts appear in every corner of Cree territory as foreign inventions like writing, campuses, theaters, and art take root in society. A true Renaissance begins in Cree, and dreamers speculate that it could be the beginning of greatness in the north.
September 5, 2019
Session 4 Begins: Turn 129, 1360 AD
Phoenicia declares war on Indonesia and her allies in 1580 AD.
In 1665, the Egyptians declared war on India and their allies.
September 6, 2019
The lands of Phoenicia are in chaos! War rages with our once-peaceful neighbors Indonesia, who, after a strange change in personality, began to threaten our long established border. Seeing no other option but to take military action, longtime alliances and trade agreements have been upset. Our bombards and cannons rain fire upon Indonesian walls, though their sturdy construction has yet to yield.
Meanwhile mercenaries controlled by our old friends the Cree march upon Phoenicia's northern borders. In the wake of the attack, Cree leaders successfully extort our gold reserves in exchange for the peace that was once free. Are friendships worth so little?
Our people attempt to expand to more peaceful lands, but without the eyes of our once strong and organized central oversight structure, our new settlement near Indian territory immediately rebels! Has Phoenicia bitten off more than she can chew? Perhaps this is the metaphorical hangover long-due from our endless rum consumption.
India has stayed the course as one of the world's most technologically advanced and culturally influencial societies. Elephants now haul coal and barrels of oil to our industrial zones to power our cities while our architects have been hard at work designing various world Wonders.
Though we were content with peace on our Western border, the hostile Egyptians, driven mad by the success of Unethical Elephant Tourism and our prophets, decided to declare war. We watched as they murdered our defenseless apostles in cold blood and drove the rest from their lands. As proud Indians we could not let this go unpunished.
With the strength of 1000 elephant bulls our armies descended upon Egyptian cities and troops. Despite their organized formations and encampments, our tanks, cannons and naval forces quickly turned the tide in our favor. It is only a matter of time before our stampede tramples them into the dirt from which they came.
September 8, 2019
Horselover Fat
The athletes of Muscle Science travel from city to city via arm-curl powered locomotives (always remember cardio kills gains), handing out free textbooks designed by our top scientists, each page though wafer thin weighs 10 kilos. We construct Wats with only math and muscle, carving stones with our bare hands straight from the mountain's pecks. By spreading muscle science we realised there are muscle-brained people in all places, though undiscovered, lying in wait like a mussel in a shell, we can discover new information from their journey of self discovery.
Our research labs have discovered the blueprints of the future, one where Muscle Science lifts among the stars. Our muscle scientists have plans to construct a muscle so huge, it will bench press the Earth away forever.
While we look into the future, we cannot help but notice the terror of the present. The elephants of the hideously not-buff Gandhi, though our Ally, do not represent Muscle Science, yet they trample over the culture and people of the world. Our hearts grow heavy as we see the Egyptians on the brink of annihilation, almost too heavy to lift.
Session 5 Begins: Turn 163, 1685 AD
September 26, 2019
Session 6 Begins: Turn 165, 1695 AD
The world should denounce India as a mass polluter. We have only one
rb to live on.
We can attest to the smog of tanks mowing down our people
What weapon type does best at slowing down India?
Stronger ranged? Weaker armors?
wants peace
I haven't been actively watching!
Always so much to do
Horselover Fat
Weaker tanks I guess?
Far away from you
Extreme south.
rbs detest war.
I didn't capture anything!
Who did they capture it from?
What is even happening in this game
rbs decline
No idea, I'm just building national parks and looking at paintings
The gods send Cree another warning. The volcano at our Holy Site has erupted once more. Last time this happened, war broke out in the East.
Call for Aid, and the
rbs will come.
September 27, 2019
As the ages progress the use of Indian elephants in war and industry wanes. Thus our newly appointed minister of tourism established the Great Indian national park system. Now all elephants can roam freely in the most beautiful, protected Indian lands. So far the project has been wildly successful, founding 6 new National Parks and drawing thousands of tourists from around the world.
In fact, so many foreigners have come to visit our exquisite themed museums, ski resorts, beaches and wonders that Indian cultural practices are taking hold in their home countries. We encourage all nations to embrace our culture as the worldwide standard and feel free to wear elephant-printed blue jeans.
The Cree love elephants, and we love India! We wish we could have elephants and be more Indian too. Little Cree boys make Indian tank-toys to roll-over and crush little Egyptian toys. Such fun!
Session 7 Begins: Turn 189, 1815 AD
I have given you dreams of cyborg elephants
rb Mother rejects the proposed military action against Sumeria.
The world needs peace, not more war.
More peace!
More elephants!
We can revert the damage!
My people are dying, Senator.
rb Mother is trying! We have our Industrial Zones set to recapture carbon!
If we all focus on spewing as much coal out as possible the integer will go from 100 to 0!
rb Mother believes the world should vote to make disrput rocketry attempts higher level.
We're all stuck on this rock!
After centuries of rebellion teh city of Groningen returns to the Dutch empire!
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