Pong 4S: Scotland Turns 1-90

Hello readers! I'm Zach, and I recently joined the Ping Pong Civ group. Tony and I joined in the middle of a session so we decided to play a 2-man standby match until the main game is finished. To get into the true spirit of Ping Pong Civ I figured I would do a write up of our game. It's my first time so I'm sure there will be some mistakes, but hopefully you'll enjoy the read. We basically copied Pong 4's settings, but at the last minute decided to switch to a Shuffle map type. (Not shown in this screenshot). We then chose our starting leaders. I wanted to try out one of the new Rise and Fall civs, so I spawn as Robert the Bruce of Scotland. In my eyes Scotland is one of the strongest new additions to come out of the Rise and Fall expansion. Although Culture is now a stronger resource due to Governors being unlocked through the civics tree, I still believe that Production and Science are the backbone of any successful civilization. Luckily Scotland ...