
Showing posts from May, 2019

Pong 9: Gamechat

Pong 9 <><><><><><><><><> Players and Civilizations:  Nate: Spain Joe: Inca Pete: Maori Tel: Zulu Zar: Canada Darren: France (Eleanor) Horse: Phoenicia  Spanarkel: English (Victoria) <><><><><><><><><>

Pong 9: Gamechat II

Continued from: Joe 03/07/2019 Session 4 begins: Turn 105 - 1480 AD Pongitian fanatics assault exploratory Tortoi missionaries in the amber fields of Barcelona. @Nate : We mean no harm, and have no intention to convert any cities on Asiamerica. They have murdered the missionary 1 Horselover Fat 03/07/2019 To the nubile wanderers of England, the Western thigh of Africa is in monogamy with Fine-icia, do not settle here. Horselover Fat 03/07/2019 A love letter to the future, if England decides to initiate intercourse with us via their ironclads, we will go rough and hard with them in return. Telrenaur 03/07/2019 Despite the vast technological gap between our empires the Zulu have won the emergency declared against us! Joe 03/07/2019 ...